
Racists. Get on that Canadian cast call.

Yeah, we all know this. Love Guru is still shit while also being blatant retread of earlier work.

Well you shouldn't be shocked says the average knowledge people have of Grier is In Living Color and that's pretty much it except for his recent show and maybe Chocolate News. Shockingly people haven't done their research on the guy.

I guess it would be if he wasn't obviously messing with his friend.

Berlanti said he was clearly trying to infuse all the characters in part 1 with a bit of Flashes style in part one and more of Arrow's style in part 2.

they put a batman symbol up for three minutes and people will still see it. I give no shits. There opening night.

And my favorite part was the hug at the end. Totally didn't seem scripted either. Love Grant and Stephen together.

I….give zero shits.

Yay, this tired joke isn't dead yet.

She did not want the money and never chased it so who cares how much money she could of scammed? She would have never wanted any of it.

I keep saying it. stop reading reviews guys. Just jump to the comments.

My god Ward's death needs to be slow and painful.

I honestly don't care. Just making a jokey joke. Hawkgirl is find by me. I honestly think it has a better ring to it.

Angel and Buffy appeared in each others show within the first half of the respective seasons. But, really, as time went on they were both busy carving out their own identities. Crossovers would have just not fit in. Here makes sense though.

I don't say it would work. It's just what I want. No one thought Flash could work on CW budget either. No one thought that would ever see Avengers movie on the big screen. Great things happen with time.

I have zero hate for Iris but I also give zero shits how much screen time she has. Just don't care.

She a woman in a genre show. Pretty much every genre show like this has massive amounts of hate. Sometimes the dislike is warranted but the constant ragging on these character can get super tiring after a while. See Laurel on Arrow. Kate on Lost. Lana on Smallville. It happens a lot.

Man, Barry making fun of the sudden appearances were funny as hell. Just have a laugh. We got some exposition with jokes. No harm no foul.

Even before that Angel and Buffy (and Oz once) were the only ones crossing over. So, its was still lame. But, throughout both separate casts the only people with real ties were Buffy and Angel so any further crossover would have been kind of mute.

Take that shit over to Supergirl.