
@disqus_AkAmrZmqS8:disqus I thought the same thing as I read the article. Poehler has the experience from her days on SNL, and her style of comedy is much more inline with satirical news anchor. Informed and unrealistically idealistic. C.K. and Schumer are fantastic in their own right but their style of comedy

Last year my friend drank too much and on the ride home vomited all over the inside of my door in an attempt to puke out the window. Upon seeing the bright red liquid being ejected from his body I immediately became very concerned, only to remember what he had eaten hours earlier… Flamin' Hot Cheetos.

Aesthetically the page looks much better, I no longer feel like I walked through a time portal into the early-2000's when I visit this page. Old crones are gonna hate it, especially if you move anything… it doesn't matter that it's a more practical location or intuitive. It only matters that you changed it, and now

If you think Rob will sit around as the world goes by, you're thinking like a fool cause it's a case of do or die.  Out there is a fortune waiting to be had, if you think he'll let it go you're mad… YOU GOT ANOTHER THING COMING!

Dexter is such a bizarrely bad show.  Early on there was some intrigue in the way that you knew it would never be a great show, but it might be an entertaining guilty pleasure.  I never watched Dexter with the sort of unblinking attention I watched Deadwood or The Wire… but from my recollection Season 1 and 2 threw

I know you guys don't like users commenting on shows they dislike in the comments section… but I really wish people would accept the fact that True Blood is just not a good show.  It's the same fucking nonsense from every season before it.  It's a fucking terrible cliched mess and anything that could be used to convey

I have to agree, as much as I love Breaking Bad for it's ability to create a really entertaining hour of television… you can't really argue the fact that most of these characters are throw aways, with little to no depth from season-to-season.  Walter is the only fully realized character on the show, while even Jesse

All I needed to hear was The Princess Bride… the rest is insignificant.

Tell me you're not killing them yourself McNulty - at least assure me of that.

Can't say that I really disagree with Ebert's assessment of video games.  I think if he was more aware of some of the more ambitious titles like Thomas Was Alone, Limbo, or Dear Esther… he might have had more respect for them as an art form.  But when all you see on T.V. is ads for Call of Duty 15 and World of

The reason you idiots hate Tom Hanks is because he has universal appeal… it's really that simple.  You can sit here and try to rationalize it in other ways, but at the end of the day you don't like him because your Mom thinks he's funny.

The reason you idiots hate Tom Hanks is because he has universal appeal… it's really that simple.  You can sit here and try to rationalize it in other ways, but at the end of the day you don't like him because your Mom thinks he's funny.

Morbid curiosity has gotten the best of a me a few times, and the Bud Dwyer suicide is one of them.  The worst are the Dnepropetrovsk murders, which I still cannot get out of my head to this day.

Sanitorium, leave metal be

I'd attribute 90% of GnR success to Axl's screeching voice.  He was gifted with a very strange and unique voice, but his lyrics are utter shit and the band that backs him isn't much better.  One of the most overrated bands ever in my opinion.

Deloused > Frances > Unlistenable Remainder of Albums

I won't buy it until Onion updates their iPhone app to something that's more functional and less fugly.

The thing that scares me is Richard will probably offed next season.  And then I almost no reason to watch the show, save for maybe Rothstein.  Nucky isn't much of a likeable character anymore.

It's strange that Nucky decided to kill Jimmy but let Eli off easy with some jail time.  Eli shoved a pistol in Nucky's face and tried to blow his head off… and Nucky doesn't realize Jimmy was the only one resistant to trying to kill him.

The first thing I think of when I want to take people out for a nice lunch, is KFC.