World Famous Demagouge

Market Test
I was accosted by market testers at the Cinemark two weeks ago, and the preliminary version of this trailer that they showed me didn't have the scene in the mall. Also, they didn't bother to pixelate any nipples. They asked my opinion, and I gave it, so at least I tried. Therefore, should the film become a

Thank God for the Internet, because if you had been ranting in front of me, I would have been forced to avert my eyes, put my hands in my pockets, and quietly shuffle away.

You had to choose between watching a movie in a cinema and seeking safety in a tornado shelter?

We have Failed
It's self-fulfilling prophecy day at the AV Club.

@ Realist
Don't worry, there are better people doing more good than you or I ever could, without the crushing and self-serving need for personal glorification. Also, they respect our language.