dr art pepper

Yeah, good thing we invaded Iraq. That really showed ISIS a thing or two.

I'm just … I try to imagine people sitting around calmly planning how to gun down the most number of people.

From the Guardian: "One official described “carnage” inside the
building, saying the attackers had tossed explosives at the hostages."

Next you're going to tell me that cutting taxes doesn't generate revenue.

The Calculus of Peace strikes again.

But "religion" is a really large amorphous thing. I think what you're saying is somewhat true of fundamentalism, but that's hardly the whole of religion.

Argle bargle …

As soon as we transition away from oil?

So does Candide.

Siblings dancing! Groups of people dancing together!

DC needs to give Shaner a Shazam book!

I don't need an angsty Superman (what do we have Batman for?) but I could use a down-to-earth Superman.

Yeah, I found vol 1 a bit formulaic. Which … I guess with a western, there will be formula, and the trick is to deploy the formulas in an interesting or different way. But I like the art, and the characters are starting to fill out a bit more.

[…. spoilers?]

Copperhead vol 2 - This is a fun comic, and I thought it picked up a little more in this volume.

inability to keep down food

Jessica Drew aside … In general I think superhero comics could focus more on characters' family lives (with or without kids). Growing up, I always liked FF and Vision/Scarlet Witch because they had actual relationships beyond punching bad guys. (Lots of superheroes have love interests but mostly as an excuse to punch

she made it very clear she did not like or want children

There was a panel in She-Hulk where her room has a poster of "He-Hulk" - which I took as a wry comment on that.

I loved that Squirrel Girl's Battleworld issue took place on Liberty Island.