dr art pepper

"it will tell self-contained stories"
… until the next Secret Wars.

Samuel Delany's sequel to "Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand"

This is the typical comic book arc. It starts with a basic concept, followed by interesting developments and variations, then it becomes silly, then stupid, then incomprehensible, then there's a Secret Wars crossover that ret-cons everything, then you have somebody named "Doop", and then you reboot with just the

"Strand Books"

I had a co-worker who would say "I have to alphabetize my paperclips."

As a teenager, I had a stash of Playboys, and at some point I really did read the articles. They had some really great interviews back then. (I remember one with Vonnegut, another with Edward Teller, of all people.)

Doesn't the Altman film end with a football game that goes on and on and on and on … ? I remember fast forwarding through that part.

I'm with you on that. The first trilogy had a huge impact on me as a kid, but as an adult, I find that I'm not particularly interested in the Star Wars universe as a fictional setting.

I'm currently on volume 3 of the Byrne FF run ("FF Visionaries") … it's pretty amazing stuff.

Silver Surfer: It will be interesting to see how he balances the lighter, more comedic elements with the whole mass murderer/genocide aspect.

Picked up an issue of "Hexed" - Not sure how I feel about it. But I also didn't understand what the @#$% is going on.

I just finished the "Warlock" collection, it's as trippy and insane as this review describes. Great stuff, and the art is wonderful. (And generally I prefer more down-to-earth superheroes over cosmic stuff.)

I don't understand the intro sentence … people ride the subway within boroughs, too, not just to get from one to another.

Surrender Dorothy!

I get what you're saying, but honestly, a show like that about the Oklahoma City bombing wouldn't be all that offensive in the year 2300. Time creates distance.

Include "Howard the Duck" and I'm sold!

A series of SF stories by Spider Robinson. Which I liked as a teenager but in retrospect are probably really annoying.

Did you fools think that realistic dialog would limit the grandiloquence of Victor Von Doom???

Boy, it's been years since I've seen this, but I think the review undersells its campy sadomasochistic awesomeness.

That premise sounds like somewhat like "Callahan's Crosstime Saloon"…?