Definitely has its flaws, but I quite like The Sound of Her Voice as well. I think it's decent in concept, but probably would have benefited from a couple of redrafts.
Definitely has its flaws, but I quite like The Sound of Her Voice as well. I think it's decent in concept, but probably would have benefited from a couple of redrafts.
Waits in vain for return of @lexicondevil to the AV Club.
Electric Dragon
Oh God thank you for explaining this!
Hey, I at least like that Worf plays the same role in the TNG and DS9 crews/families. I.e. everyone disregards his perfectly sensible suggestions:
I watched "Time's Orphan" at the weekend. It's a truly stupid episode which fails to understand the most basic forms of human behaviour and only made me choke up a bunch of times because I was holding my three week old daughter at the time.
I really like that reading, and it's one I've never particularly thought about before (having generally got hung up on the political theme of B5 as a reaction to the Cold War).
I still want to do that. Just need a little more time to get things a bit more settled. In the last week I have spent exactly one hour watching TV (it was the Doctor Who Xmas special and it was the very last hour it was on iplayer).
Oh fuckarse they changed the year again last week didn't they? What are we up to now?
Yeah, the mouse to Germany's lion speech is pretty excruciating. Who would have thought that someone with the ability to travel through time would have such a poor sense of history?
Well, I seem to have successfully got my daughter to sleep in her basket, so I will either crack on with it tomorrow, or later tonight if she wakes up and freaks out again.
I'm going to confess to using a spoiler free influence guide - basically who to take to what areas and broadly what to say. Lame I know, but I insist on getting all the game I paid for and I'm not going to get to play it several times. (He says, having played through Dragon Age Origins four times).
And you'd have been betting correctly.
Thank you.
Thank you! Sorry about your burglary. Hope you and She Buzz are dealing with it ok.
We all miss old Disqus.
Forgot to add - I know you don't visit it much (ever), but I've put a bunch of pictures on the AVC Trek Reviews facebook group page.
No pop culture for me, bitches. Too busy taking The Lady McLurk to the labour ward on Saturday, where she gave birth to our daughter in the early hours of Sunday morning. We're all just back from the hospital about and hour and a half ago. Mum and baby doing well.
Thank you. Yes, she's doing well. She's had quite a few stitches and has been sent home with a lot of drugs and a physio appointment, as well as all the normal post-natal midwife / health visitor ones, but nothing she shouldn't recover from over a few months. As I may have mentioned, she is a fucking trooper that one.
Hi. Rather than find a more recent post I thought I'd just find the last time you replied to me, then send you a reply to that, and hope you pick up the notification at some point.