
"This wasn’t a great season of television"

Obviously John Teti is too young to remember the time when you would be flipping channels, see a football game, and have to wait literally five, ten minutes before they would even tell you the goddamn score. Luddite.

So, much ink has been expended here on Linnea Quigley's tits. And rightly so. But nobody has mentioned that in 1985, WELL ahead of the coming fashion trend, Linnea Quigley shaved it bald. That is why her ROTLD nude scene is especially remarkable.

Also, if you revisit this film, you will note that Ms. Quigley was a trendsetter of intimate grooming. 1985, and not a speck of pubes.

More likely it's because the audience is totally comfortable with their heroes murdering people, but have accepted no such thing when it comes to heroes raping people. I'll leave it to somebody else to write a term paper on the implications of that, but that's the truth.

Comes across as a nice dude? Because he had one civil conversation?

Yeah, and Lincoln never fought in the Civil War. SHADDAP.

I thought surely she was going to give this kid his first blowjob, and explain to him that she is the only woman in the world who knows how to do this. That's how you get your hooks into the future king.

You've got the power
(ha ha ha ha)
You've got the might
(no way)
Get ready for battle
(give me your money!)
Beat the black knight
(ha ha ha ha)

Did you guys seriously just write an article on the quirks of IMDB's default screen algorithm?

Let's not forget, this is two hours of irreplacable life which Majnun and the rest of us pissed away because the AV Club told us to.

Are you sure he's the one sneering?