Prince O'Wales

Kids….not even once

How do I find nominations for the Opies? I'll just do a something search.

A grandmother at 33… oh fuck this show.

Oh AV club you have no idea how lucky you are. The commenters here are witty and insightful. The innernets does not normally work this way

Maybe because she is acting like a woman now that she is one? She isn't butch like Boo and she isn't involved in any sexual relationships

It is amazing to see. I watched with my guy friends and it was interesting to have them ask me about characters, their motivations, and if they were genuine. With most tv written by and for men, that is fairly rare

i had that moment with one of Piper's first three roomies. One of them was a character in Showgirls . I hate that I know that movie and recognize characters from it.

Do you have quiet sex at 9pm too?

That bit about her not being able to understand rhetorical questions. That whole scene in the chapel is just A+ material

To be in that type of prison your crime would have to be fairly nonviolent or you proved yourself to be not enough of a threat to need to go to max security.

HEY! It's Poussé. Accent adroite bitch! It's a region in France where my daddy was born. It's where kings was born n shit

Pronstachs's rant to Pennsatucky was fucking rad. "This missed opportunity for cradle death". Made me sort of like his character

What is this Perfect Match business of which you speak?

Lest we forget Married in America

Ah thank you Mr McPickleshitter

If you are a big Regina Spektor fan then that song is awesome. i think it frames the goal of the series rather well.

I thought it portrayed sexuality fairly well. It's not in a skinimax porn way but in a way that the outside the prison straight women miss the intimacy and pleasure of sex and the lesbians are just… lesbians. You have some butch, you have some femmes but I see them as just non dichotomous women who are seeking out

Dexter's whole serial killer life was more believable when it didn't require us to think that he sleeps 4 hours a week.

Isn't Jamie like 15? i know she's a bit older but she seems rather young to be the sister of someone who was going to retire not too long ago.

That car jumping scene looked straight out of the "A Team"