Prince O'Wales

Sometimes I hate you internets

Anyaroses., keep confirming that bias

I'd like Johnson to become a popular first name amongst self absorbed rich women in the south

This was white people's problems, the TV show

They'll come back to the faith with the help of the light skinned black guy form law and order

I missed that part and am a better person for it

They should do a show on Black atheists. Oh the shenanigans!!

Just hearing Eva Longoria's 10 second explanation of the show was enough to make me quit

Syntax trees for the win

Women don't talk about masturbattion? Maybe where you are but I'm totally comfortable talking about getting off with my close girl and guy friends

In motown, We call it Detroit without the culture

Secret Life made it to 100? Goddamnit I don't want to live on this planet anymore

Well it is

Vicki does have a song, "Boy is a Bottom is pretty much just her on the lead vocals

Roxxxy is  genuinely nice. Based off her post-show behavior, she has shown that her portrayal was a mixture of competition stress and editing. Where Phi would attack people on Twitter and be mean about the other girls post-show, Roxxxy apologized and really has acted the adult.

AVClub commenters are top notch wit. I can't keep up with you bitches. I feel like a novice in the 18th century french court around you people

As if we needed more reason to hate Perez Hilton

As much as a Jinkx win was obvious, I want Alaska Thunderfuck. Jinkx reminds me of every annoying theater major in college and that forced underdog edit got to me. She was not an underdog and her interviews since have shown that.

I enjoyed the Rucapp episode more than I enjoyed this coronation. This episode was so sloppy and so obviously stretched for time, you'd think they'd never done this before. Last years was way better. They should have had them at least match colors like last year. they looked like a mess on stage.

Ha! Wtf