Prince O'Wales

There will be riots in every gay neighborhood if Roxxxy wins. Ru is not stupid

Jesus Christ Roxxxy…Does not know the difference between reading and being just plain mean. Thinks that taking notes means that you aren't good..ugh. Her make up has not changed in the least but Jinkx is the one that needs help. In all her bitchines all I can hear is "How dare you have more skills than

I rewatched and found it. I was apparently too busy freaking out to Archer telling Lana he loved her to hear that line

Lana wen tot a sperm donor? When did they say that? I must have missed it.I thoguh there was going to be a big deal about who the father was next season.

It seems to be getting lukewarm reviews elsewhere. How does no one see the blatant sexism and obvious manipulation?

Alaska seems to be above all the bickering. Her strategy is to try to make herself better than cut someone else down. Which is why I respect her so much.

Why were they backing that horrible makeup job in Untucked? That job was TERRIBLE but the other queens kept complimenting it and saying her critiques were "too mean. " Hortchata looked like a damn cadaver

The thing is, Perry makes these dumbass movies for his audience. Like he's saying "this low entertainment is what blacks want". I'm black and I have plenty of issue with this propagation of stereotypes and especially as a black woman in graduate school, I hate that he constantly makes films that would degrade me to

Say's Kim Kardasian with the charisma of a dead puritan

They missed the boat on the comcast merger then

Violence is as American as blood stained apple pie. Sex is another thing

I think they are good at adjusting their wardrobe to the occasion

Probably. He and Sharon are totally laid back in the personal wardrobe department. Save the money for the clothes that count

Honestly the lack of self awareness… Jinkx has been consistently in the top and Alyssa had lip synced 2 by then but she kept saying that Jinkx was the one faltering


According to that Spin article,  they film untucked in front of a green screen. That would explain why, when they show a picture of the contestants, they are in front of a green screen.

I thought the reddit spoiler said that Alyssa would win. I was quite disappointed that I have to deal with Coco for another week.

Did Alaska only pack wife beaters? Was she trying to save space in her luggage?

At least trucker school is a real school. ITT Tech is for community college dropouts

That's already half her job. I'm pretty sure she bills to account for the amount ofsholder surgery she needs