Prince O'Wales

Seriously. RPDR is the only reality tv show I watch because it actually challenges the cast, not just put them through random bs. When she said looking pretty was the most important, I wanted her to watch every  snatch game and see how well the pretty ones did. I can see a pretty girl anyday, I want to see some talent.

The others didn't realize that it's not that people don't know the character, if you make it funny, it doesn't matter

Coco pretty much copied Chad's strategy not realizing Chad did parody not just look

I hate that the comedy queens get bashedby the glamor queens. It's good to have a look but I don't go to a drag show just to see a dude in a dress dance to Nicki minaj. Queens like Sharon and Pandora realized this. That's why they are the most popular

Honey mahogany has updated the look. She has a new video with Jujubee and Raja.
It is so so but she made good on improving her style. http://www.youtube.com/watc…

I am also a fan of Queerty's recaps

Coco's cheekbones freak me out. They are like a shelf on her face. I wonder what she looked like before the surgery

I thought Honey was pretty out of drag too

I totally see the Uma in there

In her defense, Detox is a much more seasoned queen than Kenya and actually knows Kesha. And Kesha lends herself to that exaggeration, I don't know when Beyonce ever acted like she mixed vodka and ambien

You need to hit up Rupaul on twitter with that. I can see it next show #Halle-RU-jah

I was SOOOO happy Vivienne and Honey went home. I thought Honey was going to turn it at first giving good face but that's all she had.
Seeing those two squirm during Snatch Game would have been awesome.
Also Vivienne 'so exit speech. "im still the prettiest and fishiest etc". Yeah, that's why you got sent home.

Kid Dada, Sharon said in an interview that she wanted to do Lady Gaga because she has done a comedy act as her but Phi took it

I was SOOOO happy Vivienne and Honey went home. I thought Honey was going to turn it at first giving good face but that's all she had.
Seeing those two squirm during Snatch Game would have been awesome.
Also Vivienne 'so exit speech. "im still the prettiest and fishiest etc". Yeah, that's why you got sent home.

I always wished they would put the complete one online. I get it, music licensing issues but it would be amazing to see

So early in the season? So Jade's gonna be around for a while huh? THat's good. You two are probably totes adorbs.

Yeah I though it was a Michigan thing. I've only seen one store and it was in the boonies. Had no idea that was national

Because this unending cascade of double entendres and bad puns is the best thing reality tv has given us.

Omg she was so effing creepy. She looked like an old man with a diaper fetish.

I can see that as the episode that Vivienne goes home on. She can't do character