
The peanut farmer, Joh, was a Northern States corrupt redneck born in New Zealand who deseated a legitimately elected progressive federal government in the 70's by replacing a dead senator with one from a different party. Australia has a bit of a divide between North and West (conservative) and South (progressive).

We had an American exchange student at school, who celebrated the first week of Twin Peaks being shown in Australia (we must have been abut two years behind) by telling everyone the Dad did it!

He actually did serve forty five days in the Californian equivalent of the violent crime psychiatric observation unit. In the early 70's, 45 days was the largest sentence without the victim testifying, any longer sentence would be almost certainly struck down on appeal. The prosecution agreed to time served, because

He actually did serve forty five days in the Californian equivalent of the violent crime psychiatric observation unit. In the early 70's, 45 days was the largest sentence without the victim testifying, any longer sentence would be almost certainly struck down on appeal. The prosecution agreed to time served, because

Re: Bugsby ;
I know in Australia and the UK the Catholic Church (and all recognised religions) are a tax exempt body provided the income earning activities can be linked to future benefits to the parishioners, staff and charitable activities. I'd assume that this was the case in the US.

mispost apologies

My sister in law of twenty years still gives my elder brother crap about taking her to see that horrible nerd guy with the glasses on their third date in the mid eighties. Nerd guy with the glasses being Elvis Costello.

I'd say the Boss is a far superior musician to Elvis as he writes all of his own music (tribute album aside) and is so prolific he writes hits for other people.

Brian; I think the Scott Pilgrim Demographic would be much smaller but more tech savvy than the Fast Five Demographic. So $30million from a potential $45 million audience will hurt much more than $30 million from a potential $110 million audience.

I thought that now we have John Barrowman we don't need Tom Cruise any more.

I read the short story ages ago but I can't recall the story directly mentioning whether Smiley wore cufflinks outside of special formal events.

Not just any QB either, pulled off one of the biggest upsets in NCAA history beating Nebraska in 1972, who were 2 time defending champions, with an average team behind him. In his final 2 years of college he went 17-5. Wonder how he didn't get drafted?

Generally speaking people who go on about how hardcore they are about something, have only that one thing going for them in life.

The Fuck are you worried about nerd cred you win at life!

I think the big tent phenomena in the eighties was according to the size of the city you were in. If you were in a smaller city you had to reach out and make a variety of friendsof different interests unfortunately if you lived in a capital city there were more distinct groups.

In Australia during the Ozploitation years (1969-1989) there was a 150% film write off tax deduction, which was quarantined against film revenue. This means that if your film makes a loss you get to deduct an extra 50% against other film revenues. So if you make a complete loss you get a 50% tax bonus, if you make a

The only great Australian comedian not to leave our shores is Greg Fleet. Apparently the difficulty scoring heroin in a foreign country prevented him from leaving when he was at his peak during the nineties. However he has since hit the comedic black hole that is fatherhood and cleaned up his act. But his sixty minute