how to mate with glen bishop.

Dear Reviewer-Guy-Named-After-Beer and Legendary Footy Coach both:

Anyone else get intense Barton Fink vibes from The Crash?

and don't forget the lead role in 'candy', he mumbles his way through that, too.  vale, mumblin' ledgie, the greatest mumbler of them all…

and don't forget the lead role in 'candy', he mumbles his way through that, too.  vale, mumblin' ledgie, the greatest mumbler of them all…

"a montage sequence long enough to train Rocky twice" = line of the review!  my god, that thing went on forever, with super-terrible jaunty music to boot.  you literally felt the days/weeks going by…

"a montage sequence long enough to train Rocky twice" = line of the review!  my god, that thing went on forever, with super-terrible jaunty music to boot.  you literally felt the days/weeks going by…

when i saw the name of this list, i assumed mogwai would be #1 with a bullet.  the shame.

when i saw the name of this list, i assumed mogwai would be #1 with a bullet.  the shame.

i remember once reading some story about 'antwone fisher' that called it the definitive male weepie. but i thought 'dead poet's society' was already that; what sensitive masculine soul wouldn't shed tears in a story in which a prick father pisses all over his son's dreams.  here's to you, dad!

i remember once reading some story about 'antwone fisher' that called it the definitive male weepie. but i thought 'dead poet's society' was already that; what sensitive masculine soul wouldn't shed tears in a story in which a prick father pisses all over his son's dreams.  here's to you, dad!

so, the review touched on this as 'not working', but is it possible that the structural oddness of the episode was wonderfully intentional, a defiance of the predictable?

so, the review touched on this as 'not working', but is it possible that the structural oddness of the episode was wonderfully intentional, a defiance of the predictable?

that line when draper said that pryce should find an "elegant exit" could only mean one thing to an englishman in that situation.

that line when draper said that pryce should find an "elegant exit" could only mean one thing to an englishman in that situation.

fascinating fact: i happened to watch this movie last night, on dvd, in a country far, far from yr america; what a coincidence it was opening in cinemas, reviewed this week, etc.

fascinating fact: i happened to watch this movie last night, on dvd, in a country far, far from yr america; what a coincidence it was opening in cinemas, reviewed this week, etc.

i found the double mention of "obvious mental health problems" here to be kind of weird.  surely the VDW isn't dredging up the cliché of adultery in women being a mental illness?  she just seemed like an unhappy, sexually-frustrated housewife married to a fuckwit; is your standard-gage depression really a

um, the review pretty explicitly points out the supposed contrasts and divide between the mother/whore models, and never connects them at all. but, hey, maybe that's just how i read it. as for suggesting that the all-women-are-whores notion is just desperate feminist rhetoric from the '70s, what's changed in the years

my mind hasn't been quite blown, maybe just jerked off roughly a few times in an alleyway by a closeted liberal-arts-college boyfriend.

i've sat out the registered-user av club era after oft typing in the unregistered era, but have become some official av club entity just to type about this film.