Wasn't JJL a blonde in Flesh + Blood? I'm pretty sure, considering my obsessive rewinding of certain scenes that she was blonde. Or maybe it's just Method, living the role, shaving and dying for the role if necessary.
Wasn't JJL a blonde in Flesh + Blood? I'm pretty sure, considering my obsessive rewinding of certain scenes that she was blonde. Or maybe it's just Method, living the role, shaving and dying for the role if necessary.
I don't have to have a gristle gun held to my head to watch Jennifer Jason Leigh get naked. In other words I don't have to have a gristle gun held to my head to watch any Jennifer Jason Leigh movie.
You-a Smurfs are only scum-a compared to-a Krusty! Now-a you see how you are scum.
Screeeeew offff! Are you joking?
Lick 'em! The smurfberries taste just like smurfberries.
I've skimmed some Google results and the film's Wikipedia page but I have to ask: Which castmember was a child killer?
Maybe they should try digging up.
That stainless steel, steam-powered dildo was frequently my finest educator and, barring that, a personal favorite when visiting Interzone.
re: GI Joe 2. The answer is Yes, the Rock makes everything better.
I'm sure Giorgio and the midget in the rumpus room would agree.
Here's to the Army and the Navy, and the battles they have won.
Here's to the Red, White, and Blue, the colors that never run.
Thing love forever! Amen to the supporting cast. Brimley, Masur, and David always get love but what about Moffat ("…I'd rather not spend the rest of the winter tied to THIS FUCKING COUCH!"), Dysart ("MACK! Somebody got to the blood!") and TK Carter? Even Carter, calling white guys, "B'wana," and rolling around on…
del Toro's 'fluid camera' sounds like a broad piece of advice a filmmaking professor gave me. The advice, to treat the camera as another character when determining composition, setups and movement has stayed with me and contributed to my understanding and execution of film.
Sounds like '66 and early '67.
When I consider the oth-ah thing and watchin' this show-ah I figger dead is bettah.
Bummer. Makes sense though. He was several years late to rip out my eyes and piss on my brain.
Add some chainsaw
- Dane Cook
Laura Prepon also has large boobs. Hmmmmmmm.
To Al's bathroom by the garage.
He IS a lover with a slowhand and an easy touch.