
Don't schedule nuthin' hee-ah Mr. Moonves.  This timeslot's sou-ah.

Don't try and give me the high hat!

That's no angry man son.  That's Hitler.  And he's fucking your pig.

Those aren't num-chucks you stupid cops.  They're chopsticks.  Johnny's just a big eater.

I just discovered it on Sundance, like last week.  I'm on this crazy JGL kick right now and it's only 90 minutes long so I gave it a go.

laylowmoe.*rolls eyes so hard they fall out of my skull*

I liked Hobgoblin best when he was Ned Leeds.  Goddam do I miss the multi-Spidey title/DD/Punisher New York Gang War story.  Kingpin v. The Rose v. Tombstone v. Hobgoblin v. Bill the Butcher.  I know the last one isn't right but it should've been.

laylowmoe.  One more, in answer to your "other straw" challenge.  The Lion in Winter is an (excellent) dramatization of intrigues surrounding who will succeed Henry II to the throne of England (and Dominions) c. 1183.  Many of these intrigues hinge on who will marry a French Lady, Alois, either (gay)Richard I or


Girl Interrupted, oh yeah.  I liked 2001's Manic, starring Cheadle, JGL and Zooey (waaay before 500 Days) much better though.  Jarring compositions, if a bit too much shaky-cam.  But the performances are stellar and just sell a quite simple story of people, especially one angry young man, trying to deal with serious

Kirsten Dunst is totally naked in that!  Good flick too.

You're right laylowmoe.  Arranged marriages and other chauvinistic artifacts don't exist anymore except in the minds of hacky comic book writers who only use such fictional contrivances to paint a negative portrait of foreign cultures.

Never mind.

Oooh, the walls are melting again.

I think Bea deserved that Oscar for her speech about Max's winter affair.  But Ned shoulda got his too.  They weren't in the same category y'know.

Call him an elf, one, more, time.

He never lost his powers in the C/M miniseries but this particular trope has been a "go-to" for Logan for quite some time.  Claremont played with healing factor overload in Fall of the Mutants, fully stripped him of powers twice during two separate Genoshan encounters, and overloaded him yet again when the Reavers

Refn should focus on Logan's presence in Madripoor.  I really can't stress Madripoor enough.  Madripoor.  Madripoor.  Beetlejuice.  Aw fuck.


Well Logan would realize his enemy was that goddammed Loch Ness Monstah.  And then stab his flabby, scaly ass to death.