Don't forget Ben Foster in the underrated Contraband. Good movie, great role and a typically unhinged greaseball performance from Joe Ribisi.
Don't forget Ben Foster in the underrated Contraband. Good movie, great role and a typically unhinged greaseball performance from Joe Ribisi.
Fuck. Forgot Copland. Not the greatest, the parts greater than the whole and all… But the final firefight is tense, made all the more so with nothing but Sly's tinnitus for sound effects.
If I am to be punished then it could be deduced that it ain't white boy day. Eh, eh?
Convoy gets a "Yee-Haw."
They did that, effectively in the first Wolvie/Spidey crossover. Set in E. Berlin and steeped in Cold War espionage tropes, it worked quite well selling Die Spinne as a fish-out-of-water. Or spider-out-of-web. Heh.
I always felt laylowmoe that the C/M Wolverine miniseries dealt with the setting and culture of Japan quite respectfully. The main story arc is how a gaijin could possibly be worthy of honor from the point of view of (criminal) vanguards of said culture.
Hal, try to avoid bringing your inexorable, cold, and ruthless computer logic into the consideration of superhero comic books.
Holy GRIT! I haven't thought of that in a looooong time. I still haven't received my snapping gum goddammit! And where're those No-Prizes you owe me Shooter!
Craig J. Clark! DON'T LET GO…of your fantasies about Ms. Williams sexy-mom panties.
Get with the times. It's Peter Dinklage we need here.
Who could possibly replace Beatrice Straight? Her whispered monologue to Diane and Robbie about the possible nature of life after death is THE moment of that movie. Just wonderful. She shoulda got another Oscar for that. I have gooseflesh as I type.
Before — JoBeth Williams. After — RoseMarie DeWitt.
Aversion Therapy Shock Bracelet. In case Logan's feeling 'prancy.'
Thanks joey. I cut that bit of narration for comment feng shui. However, as overused as it is in comics, the, "no quarter asked…" couplet has rarely been as well used as in Wolverine #4.
And a body even her brother couldn't say no to.
Thank you doctor but I will quote from the Greatest of All Tarantino Scripts only if said action is prescribed.
He would've married Little Sizzling Belly but she was still married to Mr. Bean.
Next thing you know your kids are sitting on the porch, picking a banjo and sucking applesauce through a straw.
My vote for next Wolverine movie:
Then, downstreet at a bar, he contemplates the Golden Ratio in the swirling suds of the head of his $7 beer (happy hour).