Mangold's pretty damn good. As for forays into genre-fare, Dowd left out Identity which, while not to tough to suss out, was an interesting psycho-thriller take on the classic Ten Little Indians mystery. Not to mention Walk The Line, another not quite perfect picture that stands out among biopics for many daring…
Ditto on 3:10 to Yuma. I'm not sure what part of neverending tension and near constant ultraviolence culminating in one tragedy, a final bloodbath, and a second tragedy expiated by murderous redemption qualifies as "toothless."
Wolverine: SHINGEN! Am I worthy?
That is the hottest shit I've read since The Fountainhead.
I couldn't help but enjoy the soapy pulp of Harper's Island. The big twist was telegraphed but it had its moments. My favorite moment is the extended bridge-in-the-forest confrontation. It is my favorite because it is such a breathtakingly obvious lift from the finale of Mann's Last of the Mohicans. Fuckin' ballsy…
He'd also already been banging Rosalind's corpse for like, three days before Act I.
I always thought it was Craig Sheffer with a blonde dye job.
Victoria Tennant played a right auld cunt, and learning the great trade at mum's knee. It seems that both Fletcher and Tennant, while often playing sympathetic characters, are most well known and somewhat typecast in the roles of horrible people.
Twilight I'm having a hard time deducing an analog for but 50 does have a clear analog, 9 1/2 Weeks. I know the original novel is set in the 70s but the movie is a, ahem, touchstone of the 80s.
This…Sordid, dynastic, sins-of-the-flesh melodrama…This thing…Did it really merit four fucking sequels?! Holy fucking Christ! I have query letters flying about the proverbial aether, trying to merit just enough attention for one of my pilots or feature-lengths to garner representation and there are five, FIVE!…
Whaaaaat?! Fuck all those fart sniffing a-hole ivory tower fuckwits that can't tell a simple story simply. I can't tell you how much I hate a change in narrative focus whether the author is an overrated ass like Faulkner and his eponymous "voice," or a supposedly edgy weirdo like that Mark Twain of the peat bogs,…
In Color fucking destroys. Fucking everything.
Hello There ladies and gentlemen. Are you ready to sue? Are you ready to sue?
I thought it was assumed owing to the dialogue between RDJ and Stiller before Tugg lights out on his own.
Chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature.
Emo-hipster skater dude-brah is how the young man would like to be referred to.
Guest stars yea! My vote is for Russ Cargill's unctuous, drive-in screen-sized face to appear on the interior of the dome.
Despite his impressively burgeoning film career (and my bro-crush), I can't escape the conclusion that JGL has much to answer for greystgirl.
Dome. Bukkake. I think I just got an idea for a cool visual effect.
Angie and Junior are the best parts, stupid! I can't wait for the spinoff, "Junior Loves Angie." There's no way this will fail!