Reading the novel, and understanding the dome's origin and extrapolating how our beloved heroes might save themselves, I couldn't help but keep thinking of the original Secret Wars miniseries.
Reading the novel, and understanding the dome's origin and extrapolating how our beloved heroes might save themselves, I couldn't help but keep thinking of the original Secret Wars miniseries.
I can see your point about leaving the ending ephemeral and all the more nihilistic for it eligit. But, given the apocalyptic reckoning that (spoilage) wipes out 99.9% of the town like the Ark of the Covenant, I'm not sure that positing any motive, alien or not, reduces the inherent impact of such devastation.
I liked the novel's ending except for the inexplicable lack of lindy-hop.
Don't forget the early rock, rockabilly and doo wop of the 50s.
Music for motorvating and don't ever let the shitters forget it rain.
Archangel was a cheesy distillation of Warren's worst features in the service of 90s anti-hero porn/worship. However it may've all been worth it when X-Factor went up against the Inferno-warped X-Men and Logan and Trust-Fund Boy squared off. Dynamic Silvestri art.
Lloyd Braun emasculate me!
After all, aren't we all imaginary Hitlers?
Here's a great example from The Aristocrats:
Don't forget that the supposedly original name, "Hedy Lamarr" is a transparent attempt to steal the name of Cali's Lieutenant Governor.
Don't feel bad, Spidey had a lot of villains doubling the power of other villains. Electro and Shocker, of course. The Toad, The Frog-Man, and The Kangaroo. Venom, Carnage and the other unimportant symbiote villains. Goblin varieties both Green and Hob. Silver Sable and The Foreigner. Putting out a new story…
He's like the older brother of that Italian boytoy in Cher's "Turn Back Time" video. That guy was also in Loverboy, the movie, as a scooter riding Italian stereotype.
I can still do algebra in my head! Now if I could just get my hand out of my mouth.
'Cause that copy of The Shining is in the freezer.
Just another LaLa journeyman on his way to bigger, better, more artistic places having to make a pit stop in the small hamlet of Billpay.
You'll have to peruse the Annals of Galactic Humour, available only in the reference section of the Grand Imperial Book Place on Omicron Persei 8.
If it's a recipe from the renowned Nestor le Tolhausen then Phoebe's game.
"would have been"?
Spies Like Geritol: The Stealth Sequel
Anything less and this movie is just, Topo Gigio.
Always, looks, great. That is all.