I knew I'd cribbed that line from somewhere. Thanks for reminding me Willy Pete. Fire in the hole!
I knew I'd cribbed that line from somewhere. Thanks for reminding me Willy Pete. Fire in the hole!
Spyke is proactive and loves to mutate. Consistently and thoroughly.
I love the scenic Westchester-Brockway line.
Sorry thread-bros I just couldn't resist the urge to troll. Bud Cort's cool.
Thank God our superior and futuristic laser weaponry allowed us to quickly and bloodlessly deal with the complication-free liberation of Iraq. Man! War! It's Fantastic!
Ah reckon!
Mon Cherie!
I'll allow for that, good point.
The best name he ever came up with, Liefeld ripped off from the best action movie: Diehard.
Cort was always the right height. He just needed to bulk up and start smoking cigars.
I never got the logic of laser guns subbing for the real thing in a cartoon. As a kid, then teenager it was not a great leap of reasoning to figure that if a laser gun is used in lieu of a regular gun then that laser gun must be as powerful and as deadly as one that shoots bullets.
Gyrich is a factotum on film but in the books is quite the villainous character. One can argue about his motives but his actions speak for themselves. Fucked with the Avenger's charter/operations, helped found and direct Proj. Wideawake which led to the recruitment of Freedom Force not to mention testing Forge's…
I am a fan of the show but regarding #1… Definitive depiction? Of Wolverine?
That costume is "explained" because she's a SoCal mallrat who lived in a mall after her parents died (probably due to mysterious Mr. Sinisterian machinations). She scrounged food, etc. and obviously clothes. Everything that Mariposa, Deb, Claire and the rest had to offer she wore. All of it at the same time. The…
That was a great run to end Uncanny with and did result in Gambit's one awesome moment of taking down Gladiator. I'll also give him picking the lock of the wall shackle's toward the end of the extinction agenda too. Two, two! Two awesome moments. And that's it!
"Ah the trusty ol' TV. Come on, give me some of that sweet sweet pap."
This electric van's only got twenty more minutes of juice!
I can't wait to hear the songs written to commemorate Dave's passing. Really, really can't wait.
RIP Dennis. Thanks for keeping Social D alive while Mike was strung out or in prison.
White Knight, White Knight, White Satin Knight.
Jubilation Lee, Yeezus please us! Even when handled by Claremont in the comics that was a dicey character at best. Though she had her moments, usually helping Logan out of Reaver/Genoshan/other-my-healing-factor-is-temporarily-on-the-fritz-to-escalate-the-stakes type of jam, she just could never hold a candle to…