
I was deep into comics through the mid-90s and so in hock to American Entertainment and Mile High that I could barely afford to go to the local comic store sometimes.  I have UX #266 and I have never, ever, in any variation of character or media, understood what was so fucking cool about Gambit.

I have a NM ish of Blooddeath v. Gunblood #0!  It has a detachable holographic card of a big gun!  Find out why they hated each other at first and why one became a Wild C.A.T. and the other joined Stormwatch!  Or read something good like Grendel.

Don't forget Mr. Liefeld, though you're not the only offender on this count, the lantern jaw and Leno chin as well as the only kind of eyebrows heroes or villains are allowed, Jack Nicholson eyebrows.

That was the noted star of Harold and Maude, Bud Cort as Logan.

During the entire run of this show Logan wears a stupid looking helmet when on his hog.  The man with an unbreakable skull who will heal from any injury bowed to the fucking nanny state!

The double header/six part Phoenix/Dark Phoenix stuff, while not quite Claremont/Byrne, was certainly better than Buttner's threequel wrapup.  Honestly, while X2 was really really good, the film would've been better served by taking a cue from the 'toon and getting into the nitty-gritty of the source material.

Being "really high" also applies to the early/mid-90s Spidey cartoon.  As a huge fan of all things mutie/Spidey related the shows were simultaneously disappointing and compulsive watchable.  Thanks to drugs the disappointing end of the situation was greatly ameliorated.

No bounce, no play — awww, I fucked it up!

I also float but do not, repeat do not do anything else in the sewer.

How was he not cast in Space Cowboys?  Old, check.  Han Solo, check.

What a shame that Vermont missed out on being the setting for Live Free or Die.  That flick really put New Hampshire on the map!

…who he's thinking of, is he thinking of me.

Inside it they run hither and thither.


What's up her ass?

If I can build and install a pacemaker in this man's chest, then I can damn well bounce a microwave off of a satellite!

I'm just a caveman and this incessant tete a tete of moebius looped false arguments and obscure cultural references could very well be the din of a blood coven worshipping at the altar of daemonic evil!

Busy, busy.

Killed by the RatMan (after he shot Sam Wheat).

I won't have any Communists in my car.  No Christians either!