This is the all-time greatest American haunted house horror movie. Scott brings everything together as the film's center. A slow building crescendo of pathos and psychosis, human and supernatural.
This is the all-time greatest American haunted house horror movie. Scott brings everything together as the film's center. A slow building crescendo of pathos and psychosis, human and supernatural.
There music seems like that type of music BUT, while I've liked punk for some time I actually never got into The Descendents until recently. A move I am very glad to have made.
Paul Newman, hmm? So, from The Left Handed Gun (which is stilted and mannered but not bad) on?
*A young Vito Corleone shoots Vinny Barbarino with a .38 wrapped with a silencing cloth, which catches fire, as he is entering a tenement apartment.*
Thank god somebody mentioned Grown-Ups 2: The Search for More Gold. I cannot believe that the newswire has yet to mention that Adam Sandler was attacked by a cheetah while at a South African game preserve. This is a true story. I guess they're allowing Mr. O'Neal the necessary time and space to craft his piece de…
You! You!
Caleb Deschanel fuckin' runs some mean camera. He renders the extraordinary beauty of the Oregon locations with an eye toward hyperrealistic lushness that sets off the arresting suspense and action sequences. The city chase was also perfectly grimy and utterly comprehensible with no confusion as to what or where…
I'm pleased your mind was able to break through the Hulk's id for that zinger Dr. Banner.
Try not to glue your head to your shoulder Pairesta.
All the dialogue will be unintelligible screaming this time by gum!
"You're The Best (Around)" Watch your ass Zabka!
A Serbian Film was quite the quaint narrative travelogue.
Not unless Nic Cage was playing Oldboy. As a maybe-vampire.
Without The Happening I would've gone my whole life without watching Marky Mark coo to She through a pipe twice. (I had to rewatch just to make sure it was as bad as I first thought. The twist is, it was.)
Put him in a dark blue sweatsuit and red headband and we can shoot Goonies2 right now!
This won't be an all time high in Brolin's filmography.
Letterman ended the interview by shooting Travolta in the chest with rocksalt.
I was out of will entirely after AnotherCookieMonster's mom drained me last night.
You left out Gary Busey. And he was the best part! Believe it or not he played a crazy person. Good monologue about killing a dog he raised.