…at multiple times in a long career spaced between stretches of making shit like Perfect, Shout, and From Paris with Love.
…at multiple times in a long career spaced between stretches of making shit like Perfect, Shout, and From Paris with Love.
Yes, The Evil Spock School of Thespianism, I've heard of it.
It's the prequel to A Serbian Film I've always imagined.
But assuredly not Jimmy Carter.
After all isn't every commenter a gimmick?
Li'l bit. Li'l bit.
I assume Mr. Travolta didn't purchase until receiving the free pot of soup that comes with it.
I hope, for the sake of Operating Thetans everywhere, that there is nothing silly about this movie.
Maaan. If it's oregano ya need, you can just wait right here. I know a guy 'round the corner. Soooo, just give me the upfront and I be right back.
Don't forget the Q-P, mescaline microdots and Bible of windowpane. Fuck! I want to work for Vice.
You beat me by five minutes in expressing this sentiment. Kudos.
Apparently, according to my DVD's (that's right bitches, physical media) booklet that's his name. I thought he was just Angel Eyes for the longest time. It is a better handle. I could get lost in them forever. Until he shoots me like a dog in the street under the unforgiving Iberian sun.
The Ritchie stock-types only exist to be unmanned and then killed knowing what buftie boys they are.
In all honesty the only Donovan songs I'm somewhat familiar with are "Colours," is it, and "Atlantis." The first because of The Limey and the second because of acid.
If Joe Carnahan does reboot DD I'd say that Stamp as Stick is the only part to carryover.
"The lemongrass is used sparingly, less than one would when using fowl, but sets off the chilies and peanuts when Pad Thai is prepared with shrimp, like two old geezers rediscovering their friendship from the Uni days over pints of bitter."
You MUST be referring to Blondie, Tuco and Setenza.
Not sure Cypher, but you're definitely my butterfly.
*wipes out Lois Lane's memory with a kiss*
Fuck me Freddy! I thought we'd entered a tacit telepathic agreement at the AV Club. No more Dreamcatcher references. This is a real fuckaree Bucko!