Randy's record breaker and Bono?
Randy's record breaker and Bono?
Yet G/R's cover of "Live and Let Die" works. Hmmm.
Let's all pray that Ugly Bob will take her somewhere far, far away. I vote Marklar.
Coconut Pete surely wrote a song about a ship. On which he got really really high and fucked some chicks. Help me AV Club, you're my only hope.
I don't hate most Billy Joel but damn if I can't stop singing along to "Only the Good Die Young." Must be my Catholic upbringing. Though I am a dude, we also start much too late. Fucking, not drinking that is.
I love that last clip of Poor Cow. Stamp singing with a rough beauty Donovan's "Freedom." I'm welling up just a bit thinking of it.
"Toffee apple" is Cockney rhyming slang for a breakfast of coffee and Scrapple.
I miss Christopher Reeve. Quick Zooey, do a sad face for me!
That revised opening scene just played out in front of my eyes. I'm going to bed, the day can't get any better.
Holy shit, sometimes I love the Internet.
Christ what a vehicle waiting to happen, McDowell and Stamp as a duo of East End don't-give-a-dodgy-bollocks' criminals whuppin' the blood pudding out of futbol hooligans and other assorted Guy Ritchie stock criminals.
That clip's been getting around today. Just saw it on Sully's Dish.
I'd forgot he was in that! And he is great, as usual. Not a bad little ultraviolent western. The main characters (except that puritan Charlie Sheen) all trip on peyote at one point!
That voice! So so sonorous. I read his every answer in his voice.
I just mentioned Bill Duke, but don't forget Nicky Katt (at his greasiest), Barry Newman (behind the fuckin' wheel again, man!) and the inestimably lovely Lesley Ann Warren (great tits but a greater actress).
Out of Sight, of course, but The Limey, oh The Limey. The most outstanding Soderbergh film without doubt. Lean, mean yet leaves you feeling like life is beginning instead of ending with the credits, especially considering the themes that are explored so violently and poetically.
I heard it as "your heirs" for years too.
Snootchy-bootchies! Heheheheheh!
Like Odo, she is a metamorph.
Her tits were on display earlier, albeit with pasties, in The Last Boy Scout. So Swordfish is absolutely not notable.