That's because Randy Newman is actually… Enrico Paluso!
That's because Randy Newman is actually… Enrico Paluso!
Chevy man… What happened to you? You used to be beautiful.
If Paul is Henry Gibson (as I must assume given degrees of separation related to The Blues Brothers) then who is Courtney Gains?
Somebody get this guy a Kickstarter account and Zach Braff's number!
I always wanted to experience in stultifying slo-mo detail the explosion that blew Homer Parrish's hands off.
What is going ON in that room that people disappear into for twenty to thirty minutes at a time?
Quesada shoulda stuck to drawing cool yet massively veiny superheroes and villains.
Which led to the sequel and now we have George Clooney.
Whose tit did Cesar Chavez suckle at the end?
Holy shit! I'm not a Steinbeck lover, except for Mice/Men but this just got me thinking about the Pearl.
I thought you were just a marketing gimmick!
Melissa Leo. No, no. Melissa McCarthy.
Curtis Jackson.
It's Orgazmo!
Steinbeck's ending was the inspiration for King's preteen gangbanging.
The Joads will be fleeing the damnably irritating Sandbox instead of Dust Bowl.
Loggins is too good to play "Highway to the Danger Zone" now?
Nice grouping.