
She may be the singularity in which charisma and on-key singing goes to die but Yeezus!  Excruciatingly beautiful.

Jack Walsh taught me what an inside joke is.
Henry Gondorff taught me what an inside straight is.

Thank you.  I have no excuse, having seen this movie dozens of times.
'Til the next life bcfred.

Dorf loves Garp.

Can I also give less than a shit about Jay-Z and Beyoncé too?  Because, I swear to Hovah and sonny Yeezus, all three of them make music that is shittier than sewer-snorkeling and blander than a Ritz flavored milkshake.

No, Rapture.  But let me tell you all about this awesome group, a force even for trying times I might even call tribulation.  A Tribulation Force if you will.

Yeezus wept.

Who wins in a fight?  Lemmy or Yeezus?

Rock me sexy Yeezus.

"No one's near what he's doing?"

Heroin's a helluva drug.

Gather the last two most promising hopefuls in a pool hall, bust a pool cue, toss the pointiest half on the floor and hold tryouts?

I just watched Zero Dark Thirty and holy casting couch Batman there are some serious contenders to play Batsy:

He won't even need some muscle-armor.  His shit is all…West.

Time to adapt Veitch's Bratpack!   JGL as Chippy to Alec Baldwin's Midnight Mink!

Marion was, in all fairness, something of a badass too.  Fully functional after drinking that Nepalese dude under the table, smartmouthing to Gestapo officer Todt, shoots one assailant, pauses midfight in a burning bar to drink some more…And that's all in a couple introductory scenes.

His set on the Jerry Langford show also just, fucking, kills.


Interesting dissection of the crime JokersNuts.  I'd say that the victim of whatever sexual crime (physically sexual) has the final say if the crime is sexual or not.  But very interesting.

Needs more Conway Twitty coiffurage.