
Does your spouse share your views on recording budgets? Because while I agree that plenty of money gets wasted in studios while unprepared bands learn songs they should have known coming in, $30k is not an insane budget. Not even close to insane. But I'll let you figure that out together over time.

Actually, the more depressing thing to me is that the writer WAS in a band. They were called The Lovekill; they toured, recorded cd's, and made videos. Yet he STILL has a problem with bands going directly to fans for funding.

This piece is crap.

Guys, you're middle aged, you've been multimillionaires for over 15 years, and you weren't that punk to start with. Put down the mascara, go buy some sailboats, and enjoy yourselves. And don't feel bad, you've earned it; we all know that just barely tweaking other peoples' songs enough to call them your own gets to be

Guys, you're middle aged, you've been multimillionaires for over 15 years, and you weren't that punk to start with. Put down the mascara, go buy some sailboats, and enjoy yourselves. And don't feel bad, you've earned it; we all know that just barely tweaking other peoples' songs enough to call them your own gets to be

He looks like Jane Lynch in man drag.

He looks like Jane Lynch in man drag.

That's been Keith's M.O. for the last 30 years: 1) be a part of something; 2) leave or be kicked out; 3) talk shit about it ceaselessly to anybody holding a microphone, camera, or pad and pencil; 4) go back to it later when you realize you need to make rent.