
no robot uprising?
come on, guys.


this is going to be like the worst tv show ever made.

fellatio, idiot.

effeminate. fuck.

shore patrol, change your picture back to that effiminate sailor you used to have up.

the one with john malkovich as the jewel thief was pretty good.


paul dano will hang himself after reading this thread, and it'll be all your guys' fault.

less outlandish, however, than the australian bodybuilder's wrestler buddy becoming governor of a mid-sized u.s. state.

i liked crash.

die hard v: why won't you die?!

fuck you and your vomitously polite, too-good-to-first attitude, dick! i'll fucking kill you!

the nashville dudes fucked me in the ass and didn't even have the common courtesy of giving me a reach-around.


every time i see his name in a movie's closing credits, i picture a black guy with cornrows. it just sounds like a black guy's name. i guess that makes me something of a racist.

i say do it.
that is all.

i thought he was pretty good in that movie where he was the bad latino fella.

i freely admit that my data may have been off, as i was watching R-rated movies and drinking myself into oblivion over the course of the study.

in a related study . . .
i found that 3% of middle schoolers are total pussies.