
Not that I'm downtown much, but walking past that theater to go to Chicago Shakes on Friday night I passed by that movie theater. Illinois seemed unusally desolate for it being so early (7pm.)
All I could think to myself was "people actually come way over here to go to the movies? With this eerie street? Hrm," and

"Michael Bolton, we're going to have to ask you to focus up…"
"Roger that, let me try it with another film…."

You should read this book:

The sugar crash will cause more reprehensible decisions than the alcohol content in those things.

Kewleodobop, I can definitely relate and know of a similar coincidence, which is why this comment and situations that closely relate are actually what comes to mind every time I hear an R. Kelly song.

I'm with him. I'd go back and tell myself you pretentious prick, get over yourself. And then kick the every living shit out of myself. And then tell them that they need to change their life course immediately, because the path that they are on really, really sucks.

Fast forward even more to find out she got Danny, and now she's a millionaire.

Or genius, considering it will get rid of anonymous posters whom opinions will now be linked to a real person, rather than commenter iloveav7xandyousuck. It's similar to linking comments on some site's requirement for a Facebook login. You have to post your name or you don't get published, facing the scrutiny not

In our hearts, and right next to Firefly on the bookshelf.

Underrepresented cities: Houston, San Antonio, San Diego, Indianapolis, Phoenix, Dallas, Jacksonville, Charlotte, Columbus, Minneapolis and St Paul…. and those cities are quite a few of the next biggest populated cities in US I would imagine. You would think we could represent a little more of the country than the

and looking good the whole time according to the internet… jesus christ…

Dear Vermonter:
You are going to way too much trouble. It's called take off all the attachments, shave everything, put away the plaid, and don't look like a lumberjack
Love, the rest of the country.

Silkroad operated off this currency exclusively. …. or that's what I heard… from some shifty guy on the street corner… whom had nothing for me…

It's cool, I don't either. I think that a free one should come with all smartphones. "Here, don't beat up your smart phone battery, have a tablet to read your stuff." I'd pick up some free weeklies too if I could find them, but I'm in nowhere Queens. I like the image of me reading a paper (and not an LED screen) in a

Now on your way to work, you can pull out your tablet, load The Onion's website and I'm assuming Phoenix's website and not have to stop on your way to work, possibly stopping for a coffee also since you'll have a free hand. Every Thursday. Just don't check those websites any other days or you'll ruin your Thursdays!

I agree with everything you stated. But you're not stating this with enough defensiveness and nerd rage, so it calls into question the entire validity of your statement.

I have a nice man in a white coat that really, really wants to ask you some questions. In a special room. You just need to put on this really pretty outfit. No, no, we won't link the chains together at first.

I definitely feel like this is sound advice. Saying you are laid back and a stalker will let them know that you care and at least a very conflicted person whom being contradictory is always a nice quality.

"You and Tequila" - Kenny Chesney
"You Had Time" - Ani DiFranco
"Love Interruption" - Jack White
"Jesus Christ" - Brand New

I don't have a kitchen, because NYC, so I've been hitting all the famous barbeque joints all over the city. I recommend to anyone who's in NYC or Philadelphia: Fette Sau in Brooklyn for all their fantastic meats and sides. All their food is just awesome, despite being a little pricey. Next I would recommend Blue Smoke