
The Rundown was good fun, and I'm still surprised that it didn't spawn a franchise. Most of his subsequent movies have been pretty bad (somehow I've missed the entire F&F series, so I can't comment), but at least he's likable enough to sell whatever crap he's appearing in, and smart enough to have fun with it. He

Make it chessboxing and I'm in.

I can't defend it intellectually, but for some reason it totally works for me within the context of the show.

I love the story that while they were shooting Batman Begins, Nolan kept looking for excuses for Crane to take off his glasses so that Murphy's eyes would be more prominent.

"Biggie and Tupac fans" is an interesting comparison, but I'm thinking "Hatfields and McCoys" or maybe "Tutsis and Hutus" would be more appropriate. The Sunni/Shiite schism goes a whole lot deeper than one's taste in music.

At this point, I'll take "showdown against the similarly-powered/equipped villain" over "big aerial battle over heavily populated city" where Marvel climaxes are concerned. I didn't love Civil War, but I was happy that it managed to end strongly and without resorting to Marvel Climax #1 or Marvel Climax #2.

I continue to hope that after playing it SO safe with TFA (which I still enjoyed anyway), they'll let Rian Johnson take a few real chances with Episode 8. I don't really see any way it can steal as liberally from ESB as TFA did from ANH, so there's hope at least.

…or start lecturing them on how great jazz is.

O'Reilly has a huge home court advantage. HE knows when he's going to throw the switch from "calm and reasonable" to "shouting angry bully with a huge head", but his guests don't, so he can always pull that out when he gets trapped by facts, figures, and other things that don't fit in on Fox News.

Remember that you're talking about people who genuinely believe that Obama is a secret radical Muslim who is actively working for the destruction of America (and that Hillary is going to finish the job), and lower your expectations accordingly.

From what I've read, this guy didn't know much about Islam, to say nothing about radical Islam. At various times he claimed to be a member of ISIS, al-Qaeda, and Hizbollah. ISIS and al-Qaeda are both Sunni but had a violent split in 2014. Hizbollah is Shiite. ISIS/al-Qaeda and Hizbollah hate each other more than they

You said "I am not a gun-nut so can't say I researched this with any depth," so I put up a couple of links. I'm sorry you didn't like Mr. Hillbilly Sheriff With A Mustache's video, but 99.9% of YouTube gun videos feature guys like that, so it kind of goes with the territory. I'm glad you know the difference between

God bless Marah, but it would be fun if someone messed with her just a little bit:

I thought A History of Violence would be the Braavos storyline of AV Club features; nothing happens for weeks on end, and then suddenly there's something cool and interesting. If anything, Hatesong is Dorne.

I found one video, entitled "How to convert an AR 15 to full auto":

I'm sorry if that's what came across from my post; it certainly wasn't the point I was trying to make. For my part, I've got my own stuff that I'm in therapy for.

That wasn't my intention, and I apologize if that's what came across. For what it's worth, I'm in therapy for my own issues and so are most of the people I know.

I didn't bring them up, but suicides account for 60% of US gun deaths. I looked and couldn't find a lot of statistics dealing with the mental health aspects.

That was a powerful piece and I agree with everything he said, but the statistics Oliver quoted seem to lack context. Only 5% of gun violence might involve mentally ill people, but only 3% of instances of gun violence are classified as mass shootings (where there are 4 or more victims in a single incident). I don't

Of course! But then the vast majority of gun violence in the US isn't related to mass shootings (usually defined as 4 or more victims in one incident). In 2015, mass shootings accounted for less than 3% of all gun violence.