
You beat me to it… I don't think anything captures the spirit of the 90s more perfectly than that moment during Pearl Jam's Unplugged show when Vedder dramatically wrote "PRO-CHOICE" on his arm with a marker, as if he was making some sort of extremely radical statement.

Yes. I haven't seen Quiz Show in ages, but one bit that really stuck with me (if I remember it right) was when the Congressmen are about to grill one of the network bigwigs, and they're all just chatting with him about their favorite golf courses or some such, and they have to be reminded to get in character as the

Yeah, I'm also a gun owner who thinks the NRA heads are an embarrassment, and I wouldn't give them a dime given the way they behave. That said, it's also true that there's a large and very badly misinformed anti-gun population out there, and there are well-funded and highly-motivated anti-gun PACs standing by to take

One wonders if the decision to have Stallone direct it came from the similarities between Tony Manero and Rocky Balboa, and if there was ever a chance for "Staying Alive" to be a good movie in the spirit of SNF and the first Rocky. Of course, by then Stallone was deep into self-worship and had turned both Rocky and

I don't think there IS any separating the good from the bad. The attitude basically comes down to "they're extremist loons who give gun owners a bad name, but they're also one hell of an effective lobby for an issue that's important to me."

It's my understanding that you have to have gone through the British school system to really 'get' "Another Brick in the Wall Pt 2" (any Brits out there want to jump in?). For me as a Yank, it's an interesting novelty song with an undeniably strong hook, a genuinely danceable groove, and a lovely Gilmour guitar solo.

Gotta love Gilmour… the story I read was that Waters brought in demo versions of 'The Final Cut' and 'The Pros and Cons of Hitch-Hiking', and asked the band (ie Gilmour and Mason, Wright having quit/been fired) which one they wanted to use for the next album. According to Gilmour, "both demos sounded exactly the same

"It can be two things." Seriously, though, there's an amazing single album somewhere in that sprawling mess. And the movie? Jeez… but then, even Roger Waters wasn't happy with how it turned out.

Yeah, 'Saturday Night Fever: The Movie' and 'Saturday Night Fever: The Cultural Phenomenon' couldn't be more different.

I thought it was kind of weird that they make a big point that Danny ended up lettering in track, which would imply that he became a square for Sandy, but in every other respect, he's exactly the same guy he was earlier.

On the flip side, I know several reasonable, rational gun owners who think the NRA leadership is a bunch of loons, but they're NRA members anyway because they see the NRA as the only thing stopping the anti-gun activists from having their way with the 2nd Amendment.

I'm pretty sure that the third guy and the fourth guy in the picture are the same person.

Aw man, don't go changing the rules… you asked for 'enjoyable' then discounted Up in the Air because it wasn't also 'memorable' in addition to being 'enjoyable.' And whether or not you've seen Out of Sight has no bearing on it being any good.

Out of Sight
Up in the Air

I hear ya; I climbed it a while back too, and it's an experience I'll never forget (along with the feeling of being fit enough to pull it off).

"Losing My Religion" in a major key will never not be funny.

Yeah, fuck North Carolina and their mountains too… Seriously, brain fart on my end. For some reason I had it in my head that Mount Washington was taller.

Until Donald Trump needs a newer, younger wife.

If Apocalypse bombs, I expect to hear jokes about it in Deadpool II.