
Yeah, aside from how Not Good BvS looks, DC seems out to sea on the 'cinematic universe' concept and how hard it is to set one up well. Iron Man #1 and The Incredible Hulk (remember?) only hinted at a larger story in their post-credit scenes, and it took five movies before the Avengers were all together. And they

Yeah, but didn't the movie cost, like, $200 million?

Come on, tell me you wouldn't watch the shit out of a movie called "Superman vs The Space Pirates" even if Zack Snyder directed it.

And this article didn't even mention Doomsday.

Yes, Space Pirates!

Maybe, maybe not. ANH established right out of the gate that in that galaxy, planets just get blown up left and right and nobody gets too bent out of shape about it.

Can they be Space Pirates?

I have a theory about Trump's current speaking style: he's very deliberately trying to sound like a moron because his 'people' told him that that's the best way to appeal to the kind of audience he's targeting.

While I hope he's finally found the peace that eluded him in life, is it too soon to hope that there's a Rob Ford movie coming? Clearly Chris Farley would have been perfect were he still with us, but now I'm picturing Will Ferrell in a fat suit and heavy makeup.

And that's the one thought that allows me to sleep at night.

I know, I've heard 'em… to my ears, Kanye and his production team can flatten the life out of anything they're handed. Until I heard 'Touch the Sky' I didn't think it was possible to use a Curtis Mayfield sample and still wind up with something completely soulless and unfunky.

Holy shit… if anyone would have a "Nuke the Whales" poster unironically, it'd have to be Ted, wouldn't it?

I tried with Kanye, I really, really did, but nothing I've heard from him does anything for me (except get me aggravated). Is there any stuff I should check out that I may have missed?

Meh. You're taking it a bit literally, but to each their own. If Kanye's stuff sounds to you like it has real soul, then that's just great.

Two things I genuinely believe about Cruz:

Well, every idea contains its own opposite; if you move far enough to the left, you'll find yourself on the far right, and vice versa.

"It's probably good to point out that the kind of Christian
fundamentalism that Cruz aligns himself with is actually a recruitment
motive for the other kind of fundamentalism that you are more worried about."

I still look at Trump mainly as an ultimately harmless clown and Cruz as the real threat to a bright future for anyone. I don't know which scenario (RIP Phife) scares me more:

So am I, and I really tried. I blame the rise of 100% digital music making, which made everything worse but seemed to hit hip-hop especially hard. There's something warm and organic about a James Brown drum sample that the sort of cold and brittle sounds you hear on most of today's stuff can never capture.

I still can't tell them and Third Eye Blind apart. Is it possible for two bands to both suck more than the other one?