
True enough, but the problem with Magnum Force is that it makes no sense; the 'execution squad' motorcycle cops are essentially doing the same thing that Harry does, only they're more ambitious. And Harry doesn't even have a convincing counterargument to use against them; instead, the movie just wants us to accept

Strangely, the car chase is the one part of The French Connection that doesn't work for me. It just doesn't fit the reality of the rest of the movie. Other than that, I admire it for its attention to all the mundane details, the weary cynicism of the detectives, and the aristocratic way in which Frog 1 carries

No surprise given that he hates America and freedom and shit like that.

I wholeheartedly endorse the rule of law, but all this situation really needs is a Suge Knight to come along and dangle Dr Luke from a rooftop by his ankles until he agrees to be released from his contract.

Yep, I'm afraid so.

Two questions:
1) Have the "Bunk interrogates Thomas" mashups hit Youtube yet?
2) Why haven't the "Bunk interrogates Thomas" mashups hit Youtube yet?

It's in my Top 10, sure, but there's stiff competition from Hong Kong with 'Hard Boiled' in 1992 and 'Drunken Master 2' in 1994.

At this point, I love those moments for their sheer human fallibility. It's like the iconic cliff-jumping scene with Butch and Sundance. When Newman and Redford are stuck on the edge of the cliff, it looks like they're hundreds of feet up, but when their doubles actually make the jump, it's more like a 30-40 foot

I loved this movie when I saw it in the theater, and I think it holds up well 22 (!!!) years later. In pretty much every regard, this is the right way to make this sort of thing. Terrific acting by Hopper, Bullock, Daniels, the assorted faces on the bus, and yes, even Keanu; some great dialogue (I still use "we're

The royal "we"! You know, the editorial "we," man…

The last time I saw a trailer for a big movie that showed that much footage to such little effect, it was for Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. We are not optimistic.

But if I remember that scene correctly, Seagal lets himself get hit ("Come on, give me your best shot… no, I said your best shot."). Aside from that one hit, the rest of that sequence is just Seagal handing that guy a horrific and completely one-sided beating.

I saw it with my parents and THEY were laughing about the inept CGI plane. That remains my barometer.

Hear, hear! One would also do well to visit the Wayback Machine and check out the late Trevor Gilks' tribute at everystevenseagalmovie.com. He does us all a great service in dissecting the man's high and (many) low points. Tragically, Trevor passed away a few years ago and the great work remains incomplete; I think he

Die Hard doesn't have any sequels. They never happened, I tell ya!

dun dun dun dun dun

Actually, Jones acquitted himself spectacularly well by Seagal-opponent standards. He gave Seagal a cut above the eyebrow and managed to last more than 10 seconds against him. Only the head Rasta guy in Marked for Death had a comparable performance vs Seagal, and if you watch that fight, you'll see that most of the

I explained to my girlfriend that Marked for Death was Seagal vs a bunch of Rastafarians who practice voodoo, and she didn't believe me.

Don't forget about Machete!

Nah, I think they just ran into each other at some point in the past, as bad-asses like them would be prone to do.