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Bill: Nah, there weren't really a million of them. They just called themselves "One Million Moms."

I'm generally a skeptic where DreamWorks is concerned, but I really liked the first two Panda movies and will definitely check this one out in the theater. That said, the franchise has yet to equal the short anime-looking dream sequence that opened the first movie, and no line will ever be funnier than 'Legend tells

I have high hopes that 'try the pork chops' will join CancerAIDS, 'it can be two things,' and 'The AV Club: ______' in perpetuity here on the boards.

Goddammit, now I have to change all my passwords.

I'm with you 1000%… I shudder to think about the conservative attempts at humor that I've come across. Still, I have to believe that the extreme left is just as comedically target-rich as the extreme right, if only someone could find the right approach.

Yeah, culturally Bond was/is kind of a stiff. The only time Bond ever made any reference to pop culture was when he dissed the Beatles in Goldfinger ("That's as bad as listening to the Beatles without earmuffs!"). Austin Powers and the Swinging 60s he represents are anathema to any incarnation of Bond, and I don't

The sequel is pretty crappy, but the Shatner scenes still make me laugh. I think history will record that 'Airplane 2' was when he realized that he could make good money mocking himself.

"Where did you get that dress… It's awful! And those shoes and that coat… Jeez…"

It's the most non-PC scene ever filmed, but 'Danger Seekers' still cracks me up every time I see it. That and the news team watching the couple getting it on.

I suppose that the AV guys didn't want this to just be 'A Bunch of Mel Brooks and ZAZ Movies + Spinal Tap,' but Blazing Saddles absolutely belongs here.

I like the 'meta' moments… it's pretty clever when the bad guys fast-forward through Spaceballs on VHS to find out where the good guys are going, and when they capture the heroes' stunt doubles, and when Dark Helmet accidentally kills the cameraman. Other than that? Bleh.

I approve of this list and the contents therein, but I'd argue for Galaxy Quest instead of Spaceballs. It's a much funnier movie with a much better cast, and it has affection for its subject (and its audience) instead of contempt.

Nope, count me out as well where Spaceballs is concerned. It seems that Mel Brooks himself would agree, too; he was pretty dismissive of it in the 'Making a Noise' documentary from a few years ago. It's just so obvious that he didn't care about sci-fi the way he cared about old westerns and horror movies; without

Naw man, it's got some genuinely funny moments.

I know some abnormally liberal people who think the new Star Wars movie is racist; according to them, Lupita Nyong'o's performance was mo-cap only because they didn't want to put a beautiful black woman's face on screen, and not because she's playing an alien. Dig this:

It's satire… if it was genuine right-wing lunacy, he'd have said something about converting all of your money to gold.

Schindler's List was in black and white. Therefore you are an anti-Semite.

ESPECIALLY that one… shhhhhhhh…

Yes, I suppose you're right, but for me, as far as Signs is concerned, the loose plotting is a feature and not a bug.