
True enough as regards Saturday Night Fever; the movie is NOTHING like the imagery that's been built up around it. It is a very decent movie in its own right, though.

In retrospect, I realize that I gauged my transition out of childhood by how many times I covered my eyes watching Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Would it even be possible to make a good movie out of the original novel? Maybe if you went the American Psycho route and embraced the insanity of the source material (ie portraying Rand's Übermenschen industrial titans as the obnoxious assholes that they are and calling attention to the unreality of the story's

Ah yes, St Ronnie. The mythical one who single-handledly defeated the USSR, brought back fiscal responsibility, and fought relentlessly for pure capitalism and traditional values… as opposed to the actual guy who negotiated with the Soviets, sold weapons to Iran, pulled our troops out of Lebanon after the barracks

It's been known to happen. David Crosby is in the video for CSN's 'Southern Cross' despite not singing on that song (or the album it's on, for that matter). Ringo Starr didn't play drums on Tom Petty's Full Moon Fever, but he's the drummer in the video for 'I Won't Back Down' anyway.

All this time I had assumed that Peter Bjorn was the frontman and John was the name of his backing band.

How about a movie about Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke's collaboration on '2001'? Two egomaniacal geniuses bickering about extraterrestrial life and the future of space travel? Sign me up. And you've already got an excellent start with Clarke's journal 'The Lost Worlds of 2001'.

Sounds like a winner! My favorite part of the Skunk Works story (and I can't remember if it involved the SR71 or the F117) is that for security purposes, the government had no official budget for what they were developing. So, to finance the project, occasionally someone from the CIA would show up at Johnson's house

Thanks for the tip… just looked it up; if it's terrible, at least it's terrible in an interesting way. Also, it starred Ed Harris (not O'Neill), although the idea of Al Bundy as the 1st President of the Republic of Nicaragua is definitely something I'd be interested in.

Heh, I'd never heard of that one before. Any good?

I want to see a pitch-black comedy about William Walker; long story, but he was a brilliant 19th century American loon who tried to establish a new empire in Mexico with himself as absolute ruler. When that didn't work out, he tried the exact same thing in Nicaragua, with predictably tragic/ironically hilarious

Do see the movie; it's fantastic.

The way I see it, if you don't like ABBA, you don't like music. It's as simple as that.

David Byrne moderating a GOP debate. We must make this happen.

To be fair, it did broaden out over time. By 1999 you had Me'shell Ndegeocello and Liz Phair performing on the main stage, Aimee Mann, Dido, Cibo Matto and Victoria Williams on the second stage, and on a few dates, a very young Tegan and Sara on the Village Stage.

I love you.

Seal, too… I wonder how many vacation homes Horn owns thanks to 'Kiss From a Rose'.

At 4:29 in the video, it changes suddenly from a space shuttle to a Saturn V booster. I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

No love for Carol Cleveland as both Zoot and Dingo in Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

The most obvious candidate: Octopussy/Never Say Never Again