
Yeah, that's right, you takers and your free stuff… don't you have a Bernie Sanders rally to get to?

Time to blow your mind: There's at least one parallel universe in which you hate Star Wars, but like Star Wars fans.

Plus, an all-white uniform must have been impossible to keep clean.

What about the voice of Geddy Lee
How did it get so high?
I wonder if he speaks like an ordinary guy?
(I know him and he does!)

I love Norm, but I have a bad feeling that his commentary would have gotten old really fast.

Am I remembering this right, that sometimes there was a Trivia Question read by Lizz Winstead's mom, along with a legal disclaimer read by her father that usually degenerated into him grumbling about the government?

The quote that got Rush in trouble was, "I think what we've had here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. There is a little hope invested in McNabb, and he got a lot of credit for the performance of this team that he didn't deserve. The defense

Even as conservative Fox News-type blondes go, Hasselbeck was a sorry figure. They really could have replaced her with a potato wearing a blonde wig and it would have worked fine.

Having seen Letterman, O'Brien, and now Colbert rein themselves in to fit the constraints of the format, I wonder if there's anyone out there who'd be able to really shake up the late-show format. At this point it's as ritualized as kabuki theater.

I dunno, in 'The Late Shift' by Bill Carter, about the Leno vs Letterman war to succeed Carson, Leno comes off as weak and easily manipulated by stronger personalities (ie Helen Kushnick back then), but not as any kind of Machivellian schemer.

I was sad when Dennis Miller went full-tilt right-wing crazy, but I was heartbroken when I learned that the same thing happened to Jon Lovitz at some point.

As regards evidence that the right wing can't be funny, does anyone else remember 'The 1/2 Hour News Hour', Fox News's attempt to take on The Daily Show? It was as bad as it sounds.

"I'm afraid this gets my lowest rating ever. Seven thumbs up."

I always heard it as 'She's so funky - ahhhh', which is terrible.

And that's just who Sting is. Consider that most of the songs he wrote for the Police started off as that same sort of bland, pseudo-Latin MOR type stuff. The melody and lyrics were there, but it was up to Stewart and Andy to 'Police-ify' the songs into shape.

I can see it working in an Ayn Rand sort of way; you know, 'We encourage our swimmers to develop the lifeguard within' and so forth.

The snare hit at the very beginning of 'Every Breath You Take' gets my vote.

Yeah, when I finally sat down to watch Plan 9 From Outer Space, I was fully prepared for how awful the acting, sets, dialog, effects, continuity, and everything else would be, but I was absolutely shocked at how **boring** it was, and that's really the only truly unforgivable sin that a movie can commit.

True enough… Ed Wood's movies were awful even by 1950's b-movie standards precisely because he really thought he was making great art.

On a scale of 1 to 'NASA should blow up the moon because the moon is gay', I give this online petition a hearty 'Meh'. Also, reading this article made me really want a bacon cheeseburger.