
The 'Rocky & Bullwinkle' guys were past masters at this; Boris Badenov would show up wearing a bad disguise and making no attempt to change his voice, and the exchange would go something like this:

And since Die Hard was a big-budget production built around Willis stepping away from straight comedy for the first time, I figure they went with an unknown actor as the chief villain out of fear that a bigger name might upstage their new star. And thus was Alan Rickman's amazing career made too… Die Hard is the gift

He's where Edward Scissorhands got his giant ice cubes from.

Hey, his was the first music I really got into as a kid, so I'll always have a soft spot for him, as schmaltzy and overdone as his stuff can be.

The man plays one concert at MSG every month, and they keep selling out. A helicopter flies out to his house in Long Island to pick him up and drop him off immediately before and after the show, and he goes home with $1 million each night. Love him or hate him, but you have to admit that he won, and also that he's

'Personally, I don't really like Billy Joel because too many people sing it at karaoke in NYC.'

Even if you hate Billy Joel, at least he's got more than one song that they play on the radio. In the late 90s I worked in an office, and this one guy had the local Office Rock station on all day. I swear to god that Marc Cohn's 'Walking in Memphis' came on at least 5 times a day, every day. We just started calling

I came to The Wire after GoT, and I was astonished that Gillan's American accent was a hell of a lot better and more consistent than his English-ish accent(s) on Thrones.

Now that's a franchise I would watch the shit out of.

We're watching the UK version of 'House of Cards' (it's amazing and now streaming on Netflix!). One of the characters is a big, brash, pushy American (sorry for the redundancy). The actor playing him is a Scot and does without question the worst American accent in history. It took us a few scenes with him to realize

Nah, I knew her well enough to rule out that possibility. She really thought that there's this guy who travels around the world sleeping with supermodels and foiling evil plans for global domination.

I worked with a girl who thought that James Bond was a real person, so I win.

How about The Thing (Carpenter's, not the remake, duh)? It's genuinely scary and intense, but the macho bullshit is piled so high that you have to smile. Is there any reason for a research station in Antarctica to be THAT well stocked with flamethrowers?

Signs works best for me if I imagine that the aliens are members of a species of intergalactic idiots who stole some spaceships from a more advanced species, and used them to invade a planet they know nothing about, without putting together a plan of attack first.

I know mine would be something involving mind control, but I can't settle on anything specific to do with it. Maybe getting Feels So Good stuck permanently in the head of every living person on earth would do the trick.

Interesting! The only people left after that would be the purely virtuous (ie the Mother Teresa types) and the true assholes (ie the Donald Trump types), thus setting up an appropriately apocalyptic showdown.

Hey, I say he's off to a good start all things considered. Colbert looked right at home, the (sadly heavily edited) interview with Jeb! hints that the political angle won't go away, and that fantastic bit with the cursed amulet gives me hope that the weird stuff won't get watered down too much.

In all seriousness, I've heard that Woods is one of the smarter people in Hollywood. Looking at the nonsense he spouts nowadays, I just assume he's one of those guys who lost his mind after 9/11 and never got it back.

I blame Obama.

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