
But it was fatally stupid that he rolled McClane into his gold-stealing plan at all… surely it would have been more sensible to kidnap McClane and torture him to death the day before he tried to pull off the biggest heist in history, but then there wouldn't have been a movie.

I agree that it's a cliche that needs to go away, but I didn't think that it applied to Skyfall. I don't think Bardem explicitly planned to get captured; surely he could have just got on a plane to London whenever he needed to. I think what we saw was his Plan B, which he had in place in case he did get captured.

Yes, I thought it was sadly ironic that they paid a fortune to hire the best stunt guys in the industry, then made sure that you couldn't see any of their work onscreen. Frankly, they could have saved some money and hired the worst stuntmen around, and the end result would have looked pretty much the same.

You're making a huge, tentpole picture. Imagine the logistics and expense of getting a huge film crew, a big name cast, and all the equipment you need out into the Atacama Desert. Now imagine sending them all home, then wrangling the same people back out six months later. Your $150 million movie is now a $450

I'm still holding out hope for 'The Rundown 2', introducing Derek Jeter as Dwayne Johnson's little brother, but it seems to get less likely every year.

Oooh… finally, my big chance to say "It can be two things!"

I've been waiting many light-years for this guy's hair to grace my computer screen. Thanks, AV Club!

One I only found out about recently that didn't make this list: Robert 'T-1000' Patrick's younger brother Richard is the singer in Filter.

Seriously, the best singer/songwriter that the world never heard of. If only 'Free-for-All' hadn't come out in the Autumn of Grunge and been buried by the record company.

Well, they both spell and pronounce their names differently.

He's pretty funny on 'The Brink' nowadays too.

Fun fact of the day: in 1984, Harry Dean Stanton appeared as Charlie's dad in 'Red Dawn' and as Emilio's mentor in 'Repo Man'.

Yes, but "throwing in stupid stuff to serve the plot in general" describes every work of fiction ever. Has there ever been a novel or movie that contains absolutely no fudging whatsoever?

"I was elected to lead, not to read."

The creaky, heavy sound of the Atlasphere cracks me up much more than it should. It's exactly what I imagine a big metal ball that was designed to roll on a gym mat would sound like if you took it on pavement.

I blame Obama.

It's not that easy either. If the rest of the crew is dead, why can't he just leave Mars using the ascent vehicle and go back to earth alone?

But how would that have worked, plot-wise? There are only 2 scenarios I can come up with:

I don't know what "libertarian-flavored atheism" is, but there isn't any in the novel.

Did they go the Iron Man/Tusk route and have Max face off with an equally well-trained IslamoNaziCommie dog at the climax, or will they save that for the sequel?