
Eh, maybe. But in my mind he gets a big boost thanks to his work on 'The Wire.'

I guess I never thought of that one as a double album since I got it on CD first, and unlike the ones I named, they crammed it all on to one disc. Your point is well taken, though.

Amazingly, you can leave out the chapter on The Verve and 'Bittersweet Symphony', and Allen Klein STILL comes off as the biggest scumbag who ever lived.

As far as I'm concerned, George Martin's diagnosis applies to every double album ever made by anybody… 'The Wall', 'Mellon Collie & the Infinite Sadness', 'Use Your Illusion' and 'Tommy' could have been killer single albums if the fat had been trimmed down.

It's a testament to how good these guys really were that anyone else's list would be completely different, and yet you couldn't argue with it. That said, Across The Universe, Blackbird, From Me To You, Hey Bulldog, Only A Northern Song, Strawberry Fields Forever and While My Guitar Gently Weeps are conspicuous in

Come on, would you expect any less from the love children of Jesus Christ and Ayn Rand?

Yes, but it doesn't matter, because the Constitution was written by a group of omniscient superbeings who could accurately predict everything that would happen over the next 200+ years, and as such it isn't open to any kind of interpretation, ever. At least that's what Antonin Scalia told me when I sat next to him in

Best. Comment. Ever.

Since they seem to be saddling Sansa with everyone else's abandoned storylines, how about having her taking over the Lady Stoneheart thread, only without the undead element? I envision Sansa at the head of a small but loyal following dedicated to wiping the Boltons out entirely (which makes a lot more sense at this

Vaya con Dios, Dave, and thanks for everything.

I'm holding out hope that it's Sansa who somehow comes out of this tougher and stronger, not Theon. It would be completely tone-deaf on the part of D&D to play it out like the books from this point, but I guess we'll see.

I still haven't come down on how I feel about the scene, but in what way are they "ignoring Sansa's far more interesting arc in the books"?

Billy Joel did a Q&A thing at my college way back when. At one point, he played the melody to this song's verse on the piano onstage, tapping it out with one finger, and then said, "That ain't Bach, that ain't Beethoven, heck, it ain't even Bartok… this is what I get when I write the words first."

David Cronenberg, although I think a movie just about the Sarlaac would be more in his wheelhouse.

With Stewart and Colbert already mentioned, maybe the South Park guys?

I agree; for some reason I'd rather see a Sirens of Titan movie/series with lots of obvious matte paintings and plywood spaceships than a slick digital one, and I'd hope they leave the book's scientific inaccuracies as they are.

I agree and I'm doing my part. I have three cats, and they're all named Eris, Goddess of Discord.

Oh God, we all have that douchebag friend… "I liked [insert any band name] until they sold out," where "they sold out" = "more than 5 other people became aware of their existence". I swear that I know a guy who only liked Radiohead's "early" stuff, which he defined as whatever they did before 'Pablo Honey' came out.

For me, all bets were off after Anthony Hopkins won Best Actor for 'Silence of the Lambs' with only 19 minutes of screen time. But in 'Pulp Fiction,' you can see what they were thinking; Travolta's screen time = Jackson's screen time + the whole sequence with Uma.

Tor Johnson?