I read this in your voice.
I read this in your voice.
I like him as an actor, but ever since I've seen Adam Baldwin's terrifying Tea Party twitter page I've really soured on him.
Don't worry I've got an inflatable raft which will plug it because physics.
It's not necessarily that the cast is good-looking that's the problem. It's that Skye being extremely well-groomed is not at all in keeping with the character and definitely causes some disconnect.
Seriously. It was obvious if you were paying even half-attention that there were a lot of things that didn't really work in this episode. You can be excited and optimistic about a show while still criticizing it, and as you said, the criticism here really wasn't even that harsh.
I'm surprised to see you saying mostly positive things about Ward. In my opinion he's the show's biggest liability at this point. His character seems so muddled to me. The writers seem to envision Ward as a misanthropic and unlikable character, and Dalton seems to be playing him as if he's just your standard generic…
At least now that the show is over we don't have to hear anybody repeat that motherfucking Mr. Chips to Scarface quote again.
I think back to how Face-Off ended. Where we had a thrilling and tense hour of Walt-as-action-hero, where we were rooting for him to outsmart his enemies and defeat impossible odds, but then we ended on the shot of the Lily of the Valley. Instantly we realized that the price was one that couldn't possibly be worth…
Jesse's confession tape could also be found in the Nazis' HQ. I believe that not showing what happened to the tape is a rare instance when the writers don't pay extraordinary attention to detail - i.e. I believe it was a mistake and not a choice that they didn't follow up with the tape.
I think that anybody who thinks seeing female nudity on TV is awesome but that seeing male nudity is "SOOOO GROSS DUDE" doesn't really belong watching a show about embracing progressive conceptions of sexuality.
My point wasn't that it's illegal. Just gross to be talking about on the internet.
I'm not sure I agree. I think Saylor is and always has done terrific work given the sometimes weak material the writers give her, and I definitely care about Dana a lot more than Jess, Chris, and Mike. I am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume that her still being a major character will pay off this…
Morgan Saylor was born in 1994.
I completely agree with you that life is hard for everyone and people are being ignorant jackasses if they think girls get to just coast through life. I would note, though, that I and I'm sure plenty of other people tried the "tell the friend you're madly in love with about your feelings" one or more times in high…
Although recent interviews do make it sound like she's come to regret doing it. I remember her saying something about how she'll probably need therapy for it (I'm not sure the extent to which she was joking, if any).
I absolutely hated that scene and knew right when it happened that it was going to be leading into an embarrassingly bad subplot, although I do think Dana remained a good character through the whole thing and that Saylor did a really good job considering the terrible material she had to work with.
I think people completely lose sight of how awesome the first half of season 2 was. There were a lot of astonishingly bold choices the writers made during those episodes and it was thrilling as hell - at least as good as season 1, if not better. And beyond that, I think Danes', Lewis', and Patinkin's performances all…
I don't know that she is worse, morally, than some of the other truly despicable characters on the show. But I do think that she is the one who has the capacity to make the most immoral decisions. The fact that she doesn't have to be involved in the killings, that she can just have underlings do it, gives her an extra…
Honestly, if I had to make a prediction it would be that this week was the last we see of Saul (that is, until his show). I think that his sudden and complete disappearance is the best summation of his cockroach quality.
Certainly it seems like there was probably some paranoia that went into his thinking that crew member was being racist - but it was paranoia rooted in a pretty legitimate fear. He was creating skillful, nuanced, subversive race-based humor but he was worried that the reason he was having so much success was because…