Katie Scarlett

Vanity Fair was good - and for Twilight reference Rob Pattinson played her son but the scene was cut so they could show a happy Hollywood ending

doesn't work for blood donors either

he had some success as a model so there's that - standing still, no talking

he had some success as a model so there's that - standing still, no talking

the touch myself girl is gone - sad, it was an anthem for lonely people all over

just like with law firms - the names on the door are not necessarily still alive

that would be cool, Stan to offset the trifling trio

and Frank Sinatra's mother, too

and no nighttime noises - I can't sleep

owning a chip and dip is supposed to guarantee happiness

thank you, mr. manewaring, seller of the children's toy, bag of glass -

anticipation, anticipation and not swill bottled water like on SNL in the late 70's

Don's all into what's under the frumpy outfit or just opening it enough to deliver some big Richard

the honeymoon (or love leave as per Bert Cooper) is over -

and her coming out of nowhere seemed to partly be that Don was tired of his shiftless post-divorce existence which looked so depressing - although why he didn't get the great apartment at that time instead of being in that rundown place makes no sense because he certainly had the money for it

"Faye fans will never forgive her for taking Don away from her."  Faye didn't like kids and you can't wind up with a man who has kids because his kids are going to be part of the deal (especially if the Mom dies - Betty with her cancer scare).

she was very attractive as a vampire in the movie Suck, a Canadian production about a rock band called The Winners - reasonably entertaining

like the scene where Betty woke Don up when he's sleeping on the couch and she's in a bathrobe and her hair's wet but her demeanor was almost like she had a knife and was ready to use it

same eyes, like village of the damned

especially in that shorty green nightgown she looked so good in