Katie Scarlett

it's true that better singing on a particular night should put you on through and song choice really sunk Skylar - especially you don't have to say you love me - hardly anyone can touch that song - Dusty Springfield will always own it

Marcus Canty on X-Factor was better than him - though he was playing the being in the church choir stuff too much

Lee's still releasing songs but song choice can be the killer - I think more of these contestants should put some covers in their CDs to compliment their singing style - it worked for what's her name, the scottish singer

Elise was my favorite but at least being on this show she could still get a recording deal possibly - her performance of Whole Lotta Love was very good and pretty much a female rendering of Adam's excellent performance of that song in season 9

so agree with you, Claire, that this season is confounding - to me, Skylar going home before Phillip is terrible and it seems like the judges comment so that they don't look behind the curve on who will stay and who will win - they compliment Phillip and put down Skylar but then again, Simon did that to Clay who was

I liked it, too but certainly expected it would run out of plotlines before too long - it came out with Carpool which I watched but was going to be a limited run as well so thought how about Cavemen Carpool.  Anyway, in the article above it was brought up how wild would the sex be - hairy, that's for sure

agree, check out Little Ashes and Water for Elephants (which also makes say - where has Christoph Walz been - he's a terrific actor) although this project would benefit from a director like Kathryn Bigelow who told the Hurt Locker in such a good movie - what a story but I've heard she's busy with a movie telling about

I was just disappointed that they kept the second one fired as to be continued and John Rich was very hard on everyone about number of times they were PM plus he made millions and they didn't.  This season had very few big money collecting payoffs, most were the flat $20,000 and then they started upping the ante and

good summation

Yay to Chartex - glad to hear from you again

another great review - so enjoying this show now after not being too enthusiastic about it after the first ep.

that voice is right - no matter what happens with the RA she'll be beautiful forever and entertain so many in Body Heat - one of my favorites - it's so well done

and Lover Come Back where they were competing advertising execs was very funny, too - should have stopped there - Send me no Flowers not so good

The horndogs in Magic City 

the whole cast is well worth watching - too bad he believed his own press from the popularity of Twilight and left his marriage but he is good as crazy Coop

Alice Cooper

good comments here

also, hope that low comment volume doesn't affect Will's reviews happening - check out how few comments are made re American Idol and that show is watched by millions and millions -

agree re Ben's breath on the glass (getting turned on) what a pathetic relationship - no wonder Lily is seeking out that horndog Stevie who I, too hope does nothing with Vera - don't what to see them go there with his escapades, he' s got plenty around that place

forgot to comment last week re the drinking game - good one, Will