
I would do my part, but I've got class from 6 to 9. I know, It sucks.

Or Heisler's reviews of Heroes.

Or a pot-holed Montreal road, for that matter.

With my name, there's an an English academic who studies criminology in Latin America, and English university student and a former US Navy nuclear engineer with a degree from the University of Phoenix .

Yeah, I only seen parts of Apollo 13 here and there, but I really liked this episode as well.

No Ordinary …
… Very Special Episode

But were those novelizations? A novelization is novel based on movie/tv show/comic book/whatever.The Zahn novels were original stories that took place in the same universe.

On Novelizations
A Novelization that would clean up some of the worst plot holes and produce some explanations would be interesting. But I am wondering - Has there ever been a novelization better than the source material, or even any good? Or do I just have not enough experience with novelizations?

Various mythos thoughts
Regarding the Island's purpose: As all true (i.e. crazy) Lost fans know, the Numbers are part of the Valenzetti Equation, which supposedly predicts the end of the world. Maybe all the equation does is it predicts the time and date of the release of the Man in Black from his Island prison.

Yah, historical inaccuracies/oddities (or the vague feeling of them) bothered me during the first half. And I am not a Ph.D. in European History, nor do I play on on TV.

Ab Aeterno
Okay, so next week is going to be Richard-centric. Would anybody guess how they are going to tell his tall? Is going to be a good ol' fashioned Season 1-esque series of flashbacks, or a some sort one long [series] of flashbacks (like "The Other 48 Days" or "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham")? Or will we

I have to totally agree about not being quite into the episode as previous. Maybe it's because I've watched ten minutes in, but didn't really click for.

Also, the plane probably isn't in great working order, given the time out in the elements, damage taken during rough landing, loss of fuel and so on. Also, going through a time-whammy flash probably isn't that go either.

That's what I'm thinking. It's still a cool idea however.

Yah, but the entire subplot was kind of cliched, with its distant divorced dad.

The Big Question on Every Heroes "Fan" Mind?
How you feel if this show got another season? What if NBC kept this on the air, and canceled Chuck or Community or Parks and Recreation or some other show (those are the only ones I can think of, and I don't think that would happen - but still consider it, it will be fun).

My Favorite Line was
Ron asking if Wendy made Fried Eggs.

I actually liked the 24 episode. It seemed tighter and more focused than more recent Simpsons fare. I liked The Simpsons Movie when I saw it in theater, but only once there and I cannot really attest to its replayablity. As for the Futurama, the first two are very good, but not quite great, whereas the last two felt

That was my first though when reading the plot summary beforehand. I'm guessing that's what's going happen, unless the show finishes before that, and I don't think it will.

"So I didn't really care about Barney/Robin".