You forget, I say! Twin Peaks Season 2, which swung from unbelievable Lynchian goodness to a civil war general (and don't forget James's motorcycle adventure!) and back again for the final two episodes.
You forget, I say! Twin Peaks Season 2, which swung from unbelievable Lynchian goodness to a civil war general (and don't forget James's motorcycle adventure!) and back again for the final two episodes.
I'm reading that too! I saw the K. Thrace Book Club sticker!
And the third basic path is…somewhere in between?
Who knows what song played during the end credits of this episode, or where to find out? From what I see, the HBO website doesn't promote this stuff on the Eastbound page, which is incredibly sad for the amazing musicians who feature and for those of us who don't listen to everything.
When I saw Iron Man 2 last summer in Beijing, they oddly censored any references to Mickey Rourke's country of origin.
You all are on the mark
I saw a screening about a month ago which was probably the same cut as the release. It was one of those times that I wished that I wasn't aware of the troubled production history…I couldn't help guessing which scenes were Gondry's and which were the studio's. This film seems as much a bad…
Y'all must read the Guardian
Cause this is ripped mainly from that source. Not exactly plagiarism, but you should probably link to the article you used for most of your information and all of your youtube links.
As I live in David Price's/BJ Lawson's district
I can assure you that Morgan Freeman would not have saved 'ol BJ from inevitable defeat. This is the guy's second try (so far) at running as a tea party Randian in a liberal-ass district of college professors and organic farmers with a well-liked incumbent Congressman.
At least for another song or two. Here's one in it's entirety
I once had a dream with Fred Schneider!
Just like that scene in Being John Malkovich, where everyone was Fred Schneider and talking like Fred Schneider and looking for rocks like Fred Schneider and finding rock lobsters like Fred Schneider.
I'm pretty sure that promo pic is a good few years old, tom goes to the mayor-era slightly slimmer Tim n Eric.
Legion II: X-massacre
Pierce's "oOoOoO, a plot twist"
A further deepening of the meta-ness of this show.
Don't look too hard at the photo.
Or Jeff Bridge's eyes will keep following you.
This is all a scheme to boost the ratings of both shows? Or this was planned all along so that Jimmy Fallon can stand on the ashes and host a 3-hour variety show? Some shadowy figure at NBC must be pulling all of the strings with a master plan.
Did they ever release that Jimi Sextape?
And if so, where can I find it, thank you.
Comparing this interview to Gallagher's
tickles me pink. PFT can't even bring himself to rag on VH1 for prioritizing garbage over a pretty funny show, and meanwhile Kids are wearing saggy pants. Grow some balls.
Is that how you Figure her Figure Out?