Ho Hum

"Willie the Operatic Whale" and "Dumbo" still make me cry.

logged out because it is embarrassing,

I thought both Lewis and Pullman failed at writing successful kids's books in their last outings for those series. Amber Spyglass was almost inexpressibly tedious when I read it as an adult (I got an advance reading copy and was delighted, but then ended up taking almost a week to read the thing) and the Last Battle



@silly buns

@silly buns


Martian Judge, I think that's an aspect of a lot of really good fantasy novels. When I first "read" Dune, I probably scanned half of the words. The complicated politics and religious issues were just interesting background noise. They were part of what made the world "real" and it didn't bother me that I couldn't

I always think people who don't like the Lord of the Rings never figured out that you don't have to read every word of a book in order to enjoy it. I always found it pretty easy to skip over the songs. If you like it enough to become really interested, then you can go back and decide that the songs are a great part

Completely disagree that "A River Runs Through It" is better than the book. It particularly annoyed me that the end of the movie basically had the exact opposite message as the book.

I don't like weepy people either, but I find Gretchen's periodic little catches-in-her-throat more irritating. I didn't mind Michael C's tears so much as he'd just had 4 people blabbing endlessly about what a useless incompetent he was - that would make me feel pretty bad.

But Michael C was even LESS annoying than Marcel was so I really hated how everyone was so unnecessarily mean to him. The time when he was looking at Gretchen while she trashed him in front of the judges made me feel terrible for him.

I thought he was good in Gosford Park and Children of Men. But I can't seem to remember what else he's been in.

Then I think I can honestly say that I watch Top Chef to see people cooking good food under zany conditions, because all of the "interesting" people in season 2 rendered the show almost unwatchably annoying for me. I even preferred (by a very narrow margin) the Hosea season.

Yeah and anyone describing this as the "weakest" season is, I think, blocking their memories of Season 2.

Well that explains it
A few months ago the streets around my office were closed because, according to the report my office building got, they were going to be filming a "Zombie TV-show pilot" and they needed to film a zombie-filled street scene. My friends and I were wondering whether the pilot ever got picked up.

Vikings are too hairy to appeal to the teenage girl/frustrated mom demographic. And Vikings are too fixed in time. Zombies are convenient because they can show up in any situation or era. A Viking fad would be like the Pirate fad.

@Black Plague

Well the only Holocaust deniers I've ever met have been on the internet. I don't think the US is teeming with people who are ready to admit to Holocaust denial (which is probably a nice thing). But I imagine the anonymity of the internet gives them courage.