Right Wingnut

You have to want it, Neophyte. Really, really want it.

I'm with Jorge. Sure, I love the tone of Newswire now, but we gotta have more! MORE!

There is no universe in existence in which UCB was a bad show.

Who wants to go homeā€¦
or who wants to go with ME?!

Oh scrambled channels, where have thou gone?

The Algae
So they are going with the Red Dust or whatever from the 80s? Okay. But go all out: bring back Singer and Englund! Also people using machine guns in each episode.

So basically you are angry at a pop culture website reporting on pop culture?

I rather like to think Sean is laughing manically at the mayhem he knows he brings forth. He's also drinking cognac and smoking a cigar lit with money us peons will never see.

With the Blackhawks doing as well as they are, suddenly a lot of my friends are hockey fans. I remain, as ever, indifferent.

I thought Generation Y's motto was "I did it to be ironic"?

I thought that was pretty funny as well. "I'll go the one place a Puerto Rican can go without being hassled! Arizona, land of milk and honey!"

I literally thought they were doing call-backs to that episode in the beginning of the commercial. It looked almost shot-for-shot like a recreation of the bus scene.

I was pretty pissed at the Sentinels as well. I realize that it might take a lot to CGI a good-looking Sentinel, but it was a summer blockbuster. They have money oozing all over the place.

I missed the whole "Magneto moves the chess piece at the end" bit. My friends caught it, but I was so disillusioned with the previous 1 1/2 hours of shitfest that I couldn't give a rats ass.

Beast was the one good thing to come from X3, and that was some pretty great casting.

A side-note on novelizations: I remember being slightly confused as a young lad that the Independence Day novelization had a fourth ship over San Fransisco. Ah, when I was young and loved that movie. Now I just have trouble with aliens that don't use Mac's.

It was a good run, full of merriment.

What Robin Hood does in life will echo throughout eternity.

If and when the zombie apocalypse comes, I'm making a bee line for Amish country. Shit, even a deaf Amish dude fucks some shit up (including, alas, himself).

You may be a king or a lowly street sweeper/but sooner or later you dance with The Reaper.