tchefuncte bonaparte

No that was his gender.

"Drink it while it's hot, the pain will help hide the taste." This episode had many moments towards the beginning that made me pause the show and just laugh hysterically. Simm was fantastic as Razor, he gave me a lot of Zathras vibes, as others have mentioned. And the episode was fantastic when it got serious as well.

I was totally expecting a "Very sad life, probably have very sad death, but at least there is symmetry."

Didn't they say they were near Ganymede?

My dad just kept going, "how did they do that", "It looks just like him."

Today I am ALL Dee Snider.

I know its three days late and no one will ever see this, but did anyone else catch Chekov checking out Jaylah's ass in the background when Kirk and Scotty were talking after being reunited?

Haven't those been a thing since before the books were written?

As a counter point to those.
1. He was high as fuck and thought he was a member of the three musketeers. Also that was less "hitting on" and more "mideval fantasy chivalry"
2. That was in an alternate universe where at least 3 other characters had their sexualities changed.
3. Deleted scene and magic alien pheremones
4. I

The ferengi would also all be wearing giant codpieces.

At least someone will see it.

So you're saying Niantic has access to my dick pics? Sweet.

I don't see any particular resemblance between those songs other than that they're ballads. Besides Soul to Squeeze was 8 years earlier than Scar Tissue and Californication was on the same album.

I could see where you were coming from if you said Around the World because that was the start of them using the heavy/funky verse pop chorus formula but I don't really know of any other RHCP song that bears a specific resemblance to Scar Tissue.

They were hellbent on inventing a new species.

Sorry but I can't take someone with a My Little Pony avatar serious when they say something is too childish.

Honestly its one of the best punk songs I've ever heard. Two chords and a guitar hook. Sometimes simple works. It also just has an amazing energy live. When I saw them they played this song so loud that I couldn't even hear it, but I did feel each note vibrating in my bones.

I absolutely loved this album but I've realized long ago that I'll never agree with AV club when it comes to music.

I think pretty much everyone can agree that this one was better than the last one. The visual horror was pretty strong on this one I had to look away from the screen several times. On the downside, a lot of the contemporary references felt really, really forced.

The internet is for Gorn