Roger Mellie

or demon rape…..

Given the choice I always take the backsies…

And get off my lawn!

Pretentious titles is it, eh?

Wackity Schmackity Doo! FTW.

Quiet you…yer maw's busy.

Kudos….you've gone well out of your way to be fair.

Always the Bridesmaid and never the Bride, crab cakes…always the Bridesmaid.

So, to summarise -

This is the internetz, Mr Gandhi - the expression you're looking for is:

I hope that's given you a well chapped arse…

Cinema verite!

Cinema verite!

Cinema verite!

Cinema verite!

Cinema verite!

Why? You gonna show him your cock?

Not if they use the same method as me they ain't…

"Walking on thin ice", remixed by Felix da Housecat is fucking great though…

Gimme my ten dollars!