Roger Mellie

Tod VanDerWerff is clearly not a real name…

So you could sue the producers for causing emotional distress/massive bowel prolapse?


For all those on this site who respect my opinion (and they are legion) -

Gimme my ten dollars!

Mr I don't trust this review, your shit appears to be all retarded in a similar fashion to Mr Idiocracy Sucks upstairs ^^^^^

Christ, Drinky….what have I told you about staying away from the meths before lunch.

Hi Burl!


There was nothing at stake, they just…fought…for some reason

I can't believe nobody's trotted out this one either..sigh…alright, I'll do it.

You've obviously never read my first novel - "The bosky pedestrian"

I believe it was sending a carrier pigeon with an order for more curry…

Let me not to the eating of true brains admit impediment…

Pot-Smoking George Washington?!

Only if he happens to haave a simply HILARIOUS name such as

Man, I've read some Pynchon and one thing I know…

Her "neo-liberal" policies?

He aint no
Meh…he ain't no Derren Brown.

Come now, don't be shy..