
I choose to put a little space between those thoughts, y'all. The 10th Doctor did indeed download her to the library because of his general Doctorness. He also knew River was an enough of an intimate to know his given name. But I think what River's talking about with the whole "book on a shelf" thing is that her

Aethelstan's really been at a loss so far about how to represent for Jesus (which is sad, considering he apparently has a missionary background) or use Christian theology to explain hardships like a miscarriage. It would be interesting if perhaps Siggy or someone began taking an interest in Christianity independently,

@avclub-5b899fb5797bf2bbb333c41688befd25:disqus - the placebo effect is a nice way to put this, and I'm also of the Varys school on the question: the magic resides where the Vikings believe it resides. It would be a mistake for the show make it objectively law, because the magic's most interesting when it reveals

Yeah, it cuts both ways. You can tell there's genuine empathy when he tells her "You're the only mystery worth solving," but they're there in the first place because she's a mystery he's obsessed with solving. She'd probably be out the door if she knew exactly why he was so interested in her, and I think we've seen

"Sometimes, that long view means sacrifices in the short term. This series has done more than a few things well, but those sacrifices on an episodic level have kept this from being a truly great show."

Agreed. Both Victorian!Clara and Dalek!Clara were conspicuous in just how well they seemed to compliment the Doctor, challenging him without actually making him uncomfortable. Series!Clara calls him out and hasn't quite bought in. That dynamic has a tension to it that will be fascinating to watch it develop and/or

That was so painful! Guys, Tacitus starts recording his Histories after Augustus, who was definitely not going by Octavian. Maybe there was a secret Tom Waits show in the NBC offices or something.

Agreed. They're playing that reveal much closer to the vest, to say the least. I'm completely down for Ramsay's personal Hunger Games with Theon to be how they keep that storyline treading above water this season, and saving the grizzly introduction of Reek for season four.

Word. It's kind of a fascinating exercise to watch them weave in future threads, and how much more active that's become in the first half of this season. From Thoros bringing "The Rains of Castamere" back to what I believe was the jolly brogue of that guy from Snow Patrol introducing "The Bear and the Maiden Fair,"


Saxa is a damned Valkyrie as far as I'm considered. I love that there's an argument to made for her as Spartacus' walking Id.

Yeah, I agree with @avclub-9157f95e30001c641c8c4d1adf84f6d1:disqus that they're probably freedmen/tenant farmers on Ragnar's land, although the way the raid is carried out suggests they might well be thralls. The Jarl's actions would be illegal not in the sense of murdering all these people, but in terms of property

Word. What we know about the accounted Ragnar Lodbrok comes mainly from his very own saga, the truth of which has no business getting in the way of a good story. Complaining about historical accuracy here is kind of complaining about the historical accuracy of Robin Hood. What D-Perks (let's make this a thing, y'all)

Yeah. Murnau and Vigo both are working towards different ends.  There's a focus and a gravity to Sunrise, and I certainly think you can argue that its cinematography and general sensibility has had a much more widespread and lasting influence on the development of Hollywood cinema. Vigo's more lyrical for the sake of