four-term layman

was ist paradox an der analysis? man fa:ltet zum glatten.
favorite german riddle ever.

wann, wann!? ich bin hungrig!

ich bin verargert auch denn daB ist nicht eine booby!

what saved colbert from my eternal scorn was ongoing torch-passing of the moment of zen, as stewart's own nod of acceptance validated what would otherwise amount to poorly-masked conceptual plagiarism.

valentine's day should be balanced out by steak-and-blowjobs day. i think that would be a big enough incentive for both parties to really deliver under the premise that the better you fit the role for your partner on the one, the better they'll pay you back on the other.

man, as an erstwhile punk drummer myself, the tag had me expecting the heart-attack inducing tempos that made me fear for my own life, and to see him tapping out a moderate beat that shouldn't cause a sweat, well, it made this less fucking awesome.

as a scratchd-cynic/alcoholic, that line alone makes the holiday season all the more unbearable.

klugarsh- do you mean the one with shatner? keep getting the future from the penny fortuneteller? name escapes me, but worth digging up 'cause your plausible ending is a far cry from the actual ending.

"that is why i drink, and that is why i weep."

you know what's cooler than all this chatter?
never researching a band beyond the insert.
"nevermind the bollocks" is nothing but an album to me, and it's so enjoyable to see this postulating, comparing, and soapboxing from the vantage of "superior ignorance."
i missed the lydon interview cause it didn't speak my

how strange to learn that others, too, stirred their sexuality to bloom with morticia! i always thought i was rather the outlier for it, especially as the finite span of a handful of sick days in my early youth and the odd saturday in was more definitive than other longterm exposures.
then again, no other series of

if leonard and i concur, allow me to summate:
"carolyn jones is sexy; morticia addams is sexier."

green day
dookie in elementary school and all, but a former girlfriend of mine worked a summer as a camp counselor and when longview or somesuch came on the radio the counselors vainly tried to explain.

so hang on, is my memory rusty, or is there an extension of bumblebee man's scene in u.k. versions? i grew up stateside, but am living in singapore, and where i thought the bit ended with bbman crashing in the ceiling, here it continues for another several moments where his wife comes down and in frenetic spanish

punk sample / cannery row
a since-dead punk band took one of the coolest samples straight from this episode-

i'm rusty but i believe he cites it as one of his influences. i think the writer in the novel is made handicapped on account that he wasn't given leave to visit her after the incident.

not in malaysia, but singapore. i laughed when they all bitched about the durian, haha!

oh, and so i totally put two and two together today, cause i knew that the whole nadsat thing was slavic/russian, and even knew a few phrases in russian myself, but "horrorshow" is totally homophonic to the russian "horoshii", or "good" which is so perfect. just a quick linguistnerd gush.

oates- wife wasn't raped in front of him, he was in gibraltar and his wife was in london during the blackout.